Royal Wedding Flowers Go to Patients in Hospice

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

From Town & Country

The beautiful flowers that filled St. George's Chapel yesterday for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding ceremony aren't staying in the church. Rather, they've gone to decorate the rooms of St. Joseph's Hospice in London.

It was announced before the royal wedding that the flowers, which were designed by London-based florist Philippa Craddock and include white garden roses, peonies, and fox gloves, would be distributed to charity, but the organizations had yet to be revealed until today.

Iain MacLeod shared the news on Twitter that the flowers had been delivered to the hospice.

"Today we got a very special delivery. Beautiful bouquets made from the #royalwedding flowers which we gave to our patients," reads his Tweet. "A big thank you to Harry and Meghan and florist Philippa Craddock. Our hospice smells and looks gorgeous. Such a lovely gesture."

The organization's official account posted as well.

It is unclear if they received all the flowers from the day, or if they were split between multiple charities.

That said, we do know that Markle's bouquet was not to a non-profit. It is customary for royal brides to leave their bouquets on the grave of the unknown warrior in Westminster Abbey, a somber tradition that was started by the Queen Mum in 1923, who left her flowers on the memorial in honor of her brother Fergus, who was killed in World War I in 1915.

Meghan's small collection of blooms, some of which were hand-picked by Prince Harry, arrived at the abby earlier this morning.

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