Run, Don't Walk to Aldi for Their Festive New Holiday Pet Items

From sweatshirts to treats, Aldi has totally unveiled the Christmas jackpot. If you haven’t yet gotten your pet a Christmas gift, then run, don’t walk, to your nearest Aldi store!

There is an amazing array of different pet items on sale at Aldi, and it’s going to be hard to pick our favorite. They have a lot of different treats, including gingerbread cookies for your dogs!

There are also a ton of different outfits for your dog, including Christmas hoodies and reindeer antlers. Aldi also has a selection of beds, cat hideouts, and pet blankets for your animal friends.

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For your cat, there’s a cardboard house that is a scratching board, and also a scratching post. There is really a gift for every pet at Aldi!

A Warning About One Item Shown

Antlers are often sold for dogs as a chew toy, like shown in this Aldi video. However, these antlers are very dangerous for dogs. They can cause stomach issues and vomiting, and can even break your dog’s teeth. These hard chew toys can really wreak havoc on your dog’s health.

It’s best to steer clear of these and opt for something like a Nylabone instead. Those bones are made with flexible fibers that break off in very tiny, digestible segments. They are great alternatives to antlers that still satisfy your dog’s natural instinct to chew.

A commenter on the video advised against purchasing this item. Her dog had a blockage in his stomach due to one of these antlers. Better safe than sorry!

Wrapping Up Gifts For Your Pets

One of the best parts about Christmas is the wrapping paper! Luckily, you can turn unwrapping their present into a game. This will be especially popular among cats, who love to rip and play with the paper. If there’s a treat item in the wrapping paper, your cat will definitely want to scratch and dig at the paper.

Paper isn’t just for the cats. You can even take the paper and crumple it up into balls for your dog to play with. Or, maybe your dog is a digger. Encourage them to paw at the wrapping paper to get their present inside!

Just like toddlers, pets are drawn to the wrapping paper. Just make sure they don’t eat any of it. They will probably play with the wrapping paper more than the presents inside. That’s just how pets do it!

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