Runner’s World+ Member: Bridgett Hoag

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From Runner's World

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Bridgett is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print.

Running has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up in a family of dedicated athletes and competitors. My parents always led by example and ran/biked/hiked/swam everyday so it wasn’t something that was out of the normal to exercise daily. For me, running has always kept me staying positive both mentally and physically. I run because I love the feeling it gives me to accomplish something and to strive for more and set goals. Running is a great therapy that I don’t think people realize; it’s free and you can do it whenever you want! Running has made me want to be dedicated to every facet of my life.

I run because I know that if I don’t I won’t feel as good mentally or physically. Running gives me confidence in everyday situations and I also love being competitive with other people (family) and myself. Setting PR’s is a whole new runner’s high!

My favorite route is a 3.5 mile loop by my house that is mostly uphill. My parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles all live on that hill and I grew up there. It goes past a beautiful farm one of my friends owns where you can see down into the valley forever! Every time I run I look around and think it’s one of the most beautiful places in the world. It’s fun because I usually see friends or family along the way which makes me pick up the pace!

I always wear Brooks Adrenaline GTS.

I am a Michelob Ultra Team member and also have done internet advertising promos for Noom.

To qualify for Boston.

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