Science Says Napping Once or Twice a Week Could Help Your Heart

Photo credit: Jessica Peterson
Photo credit: Jessica Peterson

From Woman's Day

Nap addicts, assemble! A new study has recently revealed that taking one or two midday naps per week could significantly reduce the risk of both heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, I will no longer allow myself to be shamed for my beloved middle-of-the-day naps. It's healthy, OK?

Researchers from the University Hospital of Lausanne in Switzerland have studied the relationship between frequency of naps taken and the risk of different kinds of cardiovascular diseases, along with their complications. The study, which was published in Heart, the journal of the British Cardiovascular Society, followed 3,462 people between the ages of 35 and 75 for just over five years.

Those in the study who occasionally napped — once or twice a week, for around five minutes up to one hour — were 48% less likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure than those who did not nap at all.

For those of you who (unfortunately) have to work in an office all day and don't get a chance to enjoy a quick yet glorious nap every once in a while, consider investing in a state-of-the-art nap desk — yes, they exist. Of course, having a nap desk will only work if you have super-cool bosses who are down to let you catch some Z's during your lunch hour. If not, just forward them the incredible findings of this study — I'm sure it'll change their minds.

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