Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for December
Add these dates to your GCal:
December 14: Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
December 17: Saturn enters Aquarius
December 19: Jupiter enters Aquarius
December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
December 21: Jupiter conjunct Saturn
December 29: Full Moon in Cancer
You’re a brave Scorpio. You can handle anything…but, let’s be honest, 2020 pushed you to the limit. Suffice it to say, you have every reason to be excited about the new year. However, before we dive into 2021, we still have one more month to push through and—in perfect 2020 fashion—the next few weeks are guaranteed to be intense AF.
First, a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14 asks you to take a good, hard look at your multidimensionality. With this lunation activating the area of your chart associated with values, you’re realizing that there’s a powerful push-and-pull between your psychic wants and physical resources. This Solar Eclipse is the third installment of a six-part series that will continue through December 2021 and, fundamentally, it’s inviting you to shifting your perspective, focusing not just on those areas of life that are “figured out,” but also on those that aren’t as polished. You don’t need to be perfect, Scorpio. In fact, a work in progress is a beautiful thing! Embrace the challenges!
Next up, Saturn enters Aquarius on December 17, kicking off a brand new cycle surrounding commitments and responsibilities that will continue through 2023. For millennial Scorpios born between 1991 and 1994, this means you’ll soon be experiencing Saturn Return, which is an astrological coming-of-age that enables you to define your own rules—that’s right, you’re officially becoming an adult! But for those Scorpios who weren’t born within that window, you’re not off the hook: No matter what year you came into this world, Saturn’s movement into Aquarius will be transforming your relationship with home, family, and ancestral roots.
Yes, change can be scary… but, after a hellhole of a year, the cosmos have decided to be a bit more kind: On December 19, Jupiter—the planet of luck and abundance—is also moving into Aquarius! Through December 2021, generous Jupiter will support transformation to your landscape. If you’re not where you want to be, don't be surprised if—over the next twelve-months—you make a radical move that switches up both your physical location and philosophical ideology. How fabulous!
Capricorn season begins on December 21, as the Sun moves into this practical earth sign, kicking off Winter Solstice. And just a few hours later, Jupiter and Saturn meet for the first time in 20 years, forming an astrological phenomenon known as the “Great Conjunction.” It's been a long time since Y2K, but now that these planets uniting, you have the opportunity to set the precedent for a new 20-year cycle that will continue through 2040. No pressure, but this is definitely an important time to check in with yourself! For instance, when was the last time you stopped to think about *why* you created certain goals and aspirations? These visions of success didn't just come out of nowhere—everything has an origin. Mid-month, the Great Conjunction invites you to take charge of your personal narrative.
Is it 2021 yet? Not quite! Right before the ball drops, a Full Moon in Cancer on December 29 closes out the year. Full Moons expose everything: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Under this sky, you’ll be receiving critical information that will tell you whether or not you can trust your colleague or acquaintance. Don’t second-guess your intuition, Scorpio! If something smells fishy, you’ll definitely want to take out the trash before careening into the new year. After all, you want a fresh start!
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