You Have to See This Korean Artist's Trippy Makeup Transformations

From Cosmopolitan

Dain Yoon, a 22-year-old artist from South Korea, creates the most mind-blowing makeup illusions I've ever seen.

Here's what's so unique about her work: Using watercolors, Yoon intricately recreates her facial features and body parts, and then turns them into makeup masterpieces.

Turns out I'm not the only one freaking out over her artistic capabilities. In a matter of two months, Yoon, a student at the Korean National University of Arts, quickly gained over 20,000 followers on Instagram because everyone loses their mind over her incredible illusions. And no, they're not altered in any way. In her posts, she makes it clear that she does not use Photoshop, which is just unreal.

To really grasp how talented Yoon is, here are a bunch of trippy photos she created that will, no doubt, make you feel like your eyes are playing tricks on you. Enjoy!

She paints outside too, NBD.

Yoon told the Daily Mail that she started painting these visual illusions on people to capture their "multidimensional characteristics" regardless of "first impressions."

"The interesting point of my artwork is that people can find something new and tricky when they look into my artwork over and over," Yoon added. "So this is the reason why I called my art as illusion art."

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