Shawn Mendes Got Awkwardly Left on Read by Billie Eilish, but He’s Taking It Like a Champ

Photo credit: Emma McIntyre - Getty Images
Photo credit: Emma McIntyre - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

  • Billie Eilish just admitted that she left Shawn Mendes on read after he texted her and she didn’t respond.

  • FYI, Shawn is a big Billie fan, and his fans really really really want them to collab on music together someday.

Stars, they’re just like us! Well, they are if you take away the literal millions of dollars and fans, but hey, at least we can take comfort in the fact that even superhot, super-talented celebs like Shawn Mendes can’t get people to respond to texts sometimes. Shawn got left on read, despite being Shawn frickin’ Mendes, so we’re in good company!

It came out today that he was left hanging after sending a text to British singer Billie Eilish, who admitted while she was on Complex’s First We Feast that she still hasn’t replied. When she was asked to reveal the last famous person she texted, she said it was Shawn, but she kinda ghosted....

“Shawn Mendes texted me, but I didn’t respond,” she said before laughing.

Okay, so that’s a little awk, but Billie’s been kinda busy releasing new music and dodging Justin Bieber in her DMs, so give her a break. Shawn seemed to laugh it off, tweeting, “LOL wow” in response. Plus, as Seventeen pointed out, he’s kind of a huge Billie fan, so I’m sure he gets it.

Back in June, pre-ghosting, Shawn even tweeted sweet praises at Billie, seemingly out of the blue.

“I think you are just really crazy-talented and everybody who hasn’t listened to your music is seriously missing out,” he wrote.

C’mon, that’s CUTE. His fans seemed to think so too, since his replies are full of people demanding a Billie x Shawn music collab right this very second.

Hey, my ears are ready for it, but if we want that to happen, she’ll probably have to text him back first.

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