"Shop Around": Oklahoma Senior Living Center Shares Love Advice From Residents

StoneCreek of Edmond Senior Living Love Advice
StoneCreek of Edmond Senior Living Love Advice

StoneCreek of Edmond Senior Living

This Valentine's Day, we'll be taking our love advice from the seasoned ladies of StoneCreek of Edmond Assisted Living Center in Edmund, Oklahoma, thank you very much.

The center has been sharing some sage words from their residents to help guide us romantically in the days leading up to February 14—and you better believe we're taking notes.

Maxine suggests eating together while sweet Miss Liz recommends simply being nice. We're particularly tickled, however, by Elenda, whose advice was a little franker. "Shop around," the Gal-entine's Day fan wrote.

We know mama wouldn't disagree with that!

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Follow StoneCreek of Edmond on Facebook for more helpful (and heart-warming) advice.

Thank you for your wisdom, ladies!