Something To Do: Port Wentworth kicks off monthly Front Porch Fridays concert series

Mark your calendars for Friday nights in Port Wentworth as the city kicks off its second annual summer concert series, Front Porch Fridays, at 5 p.m., July 12. Will and The Exclamation headlines the event behind Port Wentworth City Hall, 7224 GA Highway 21.

The Alanta-based band offers a night of soulful performances that includes a variety of pop music with a set of songs made popular by artists such as Rhianna, Beyonce, Prince, Chris Stapleton and Shania Twain, according to the band's website. The seven-piece lineup includes male vocalist and founder Will Preyer, two female vocalists, guitarists, keyboardist, bassist and a drummer.

A variety of food trucks and vendors will be available al fresco dining. Guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and blankets.

"The idea behind it is that we are the Coastal Empire's front porch, being the first exit in and the last exit out," the city's Economic Director James Touchton said. "And you know, the idea of front porches and sitting back, enjoying it, bringing your own lawn chairs or blankets. We'll have bleachers and covered tents and high-top tables for standing, as well."

Next month, the series will feature The Dickens, a five-piece band that plays a mix of new jams and old favorites. For September, Touchton said, the city will focus on a special event for Hispanic Heritage Month, but details haven't been finalized.

"Just want people to come out and have fun," Touchton said. "It's casual, it's fun; bring the family."

Destini Ambus is the general assignment reporter for Chatham County municipalities for the Savannah Morning News. You can reach her at [email protected]

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Will and The Exclamation to perform at Port Wentworth concert series