4 Important Space Heater Safety Tips You Need to Know to Prevent a Fire

4 Important Space Heater Safety Tips You Need to Know to Prevent a Fire

A space heater helps keep your home cozy and warm in the winter. Make sure you're using yours safely with these expert tips.

On cold, blustery winter nights, space heaters provide a convenient way to get warm without cranking up your thermostat. Although these appliances are small, they're powerful enough to make an entire room feel toasty. However, there are some precautions you should take to avoid dangerous accidents, including house fires.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, space heaters are responsible for 43% of all home fires caused by heating equipment. (Other risks involved chimneys, central heating, and water heaters.) Homeowners who have a space heater should be cautious about where and how they use them. According to space heater manufacturer Honeywell, here are some of the top space heater safety tips you can take to prevent a fire.

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1. Avoid using power strips.

Make sure your space heater ($46, Target) is plugged into the wall, not a power strip or an extension cord. This dangerous mistake could cause a house fire, according to a report from CBS News. This is because most space heaters use more electricity than power strips are able to handle, causing the power strip or extension cord to overheat and catch fire. You should also monitor how many appliances are using the same outlet to avoid overloading the electrical circuit.

2. Place the space heater far from flammable materials.

When deciding on the perfect place to keep your space heater, you might be tempted to slip it behind a chair or up against the wall to reduce visual clutter, but this could pose a serious hazard. Portable heaters should be placed several feet away from flammable items such as curtains, bedding, or clothing. Additionally, make sure nothing is blocking the heater's air intake or exhaust source. Be especially mindful of where you place a space heater in your bedroom where plush fabrics and pillows are plenty.

3. Check for frayed wires and cracks.

Before you first plug in your space heater for the winter, examine the cords and plugs. Frayed wires and cracks in the cord's protective covering are a big red flag. You should also make sure that the plug fits into the outlet snugly. If your space heater is old or damaged, consider replacing it with a newer model ($50, The Home Depot).

4. Place the heater on a flat surface.

It is safest to place space heaters on a smooth, flat surface (preferably on the floor) so they're less likely to get knocked over. Plush or shag carpet, for example, is not a sturdy surface in high-traffic areas. A wood or tiled floor would be a better choice. Also, keep a watch on space heaters if you have pets in the home. A wagging tail could knock a small portable heater on its side and create a fire hazard.