‘Sqirl’ Chef Jessica Koslow Might Have Less Food In Her House Than You

Photo credit: Jessica Sample
Photo credit: Jessica Sample

From Women's Health

As the owner of L.A.’s insanely buzzy breakfast and lunch spot Sqirl, Jessica Koslow was forced to become a morning person-but she’s totally embraced it. The chef, boss lady, and soon-to-be two-time cookbook author (check out Everything I Want To Eat and Sqirl Away) shares her early behind-the-scenes, in and out of the kitchen.

6:45 a.m. I get up and just go.

“I roll out of bed at 6:45 a.m. and do the bare minimum: I brush my teeth and hair, swipe on deodorant, put on sunscreen and gym clothes. I go straight to Sqirl-I enjoy coming in as the day is kicking off so I can say hi to everyone.”

@rchealey capturing my ??

A post shared by Jessica Koslow (@prosciuttosnacks) on Mar 3, 2018 at 2:00pm PST

7:45 a.m. My day starts with a small but smart breakfast.

“I stay at Sqirl for an hour and get an iced Americano and a piece of toast with nut butter and jam, for energy without the ‘I’m so full’ feeling.”

9 a.m. I embrace variety with my workouts.

“M-W-F, I take a cycling class. I feel so excited to see my ‘sweat friends’-it’s like being a kid again! Other days, I swim or do yoga, so I always have something to look forward to.”

All the feels today

A post shared by Jessica Koslow (@prosciuttosnacks) on Oct 4, 2016 at 4:04pm PDT

10 a.m. During my drive, I learn how to be a better business owner.

“On the way home, I play an audiobook. I choose ones about management so I can be a better leader and communicator. It’s been really important to say, ‘This is something I need to work on.’”

10:30 a.m. I eat a healthy, post-workout snack.

“I keep few foods in the house. I know myself…I’ll eat them all! I like to have walnuts and popcorn around to munch on post-workout.”

11 a.m. This is my time to decompress.

“I shower, run BioSilk through my hair, then cozy up in a bathrobe on 'the white chair' in my room before I put on real clothes and makeup. I need to decompress to be a good listener for my staff and friends. It’s too easy to forget to do that when you’re always on the go.”

This article originally appears in the January/February 2018 issue of Women's Health. For more intel on how your favorite stars and influencers lead healthier, happier lives, pick up an issue on newsstands now.

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