St Sukie de la Croix takes readers on a comedic tour of 'God's waiting room'

St Sukie de la Croix grew up in England and now calls the Coachella Valley home.
St Sukie de la Croix grew up in England and now calls the Coachella Valley home.

"Why do gay men retire to Palm Springs? Because it’s a great place to live and a fabulous place to die." That's the premise behind "Twilight Manors in Palm Springs, God’s Waiting Room," a comedic romp that follows the adventures of Brian and Stéphane, along with their friends and neighbors, as they face a series of bizarre people and events — including nonagenarian cross-dressers, an S&M-themed Thai restaurant, nuns, Carol Channing and murder — that one would only find here in the desert.

The author of "Twilight Manors," St Sukie de la Croix, is a reporter, photographer, playwright, historian and fiction writer. He's also a full-time Coachella Valley resident.

De la Croix spoke with The Desert Sun about his latest book, fact versus fiction, renaming Palm Springs landmarks and how music inspires his work.

"Twilight Manors" begins with two men packing up and moving from Chicago to Palm Springs to retire, just as you and your husband did. Is the novel somewhat autobiographical or do the parallels end there?

Not consciously. I do see elements of myself in more than one of the characters. Also, my husband. But I see characteristics of all my Palm Springs friends in the book. I know friends are scouring the pages looking for themselves. They’re all in there, I just won’t tell them where.

Do you really know someone who was in the original cast of "The King and I?"

I know someone in Cathedral City who toured in "The King and I,” but unlike the character in the book, he’s not a lesbian who collects owls. Unless there’s something he hasn’t told me.

What drew you to the Coachella Valley?

After Chicago, the heat. I also find the desert inspiring. It's like a blank canvas that I can scribble words all over. Chicago is a great town for young people, but not so much for someone my age. I’m 70. I love the Coachella Valley.

"Twilight Manors in Palm Springs, God’s Waiting Room" tells the story of Brian and Stéphane, two retirees who find adventure after moving to Palm Springs.
"Twilight Manors in Palm Springs, God’s Waiting Room" tells the story of Brian and Stéphane, two retirees who find adventure after moving to Palm Springs.

The book is filled with lots of song lyrics. How does music play into your writing?

I grew up in England, and I was brought up with my mother playing Buddy Holly and Roy Orbison. Then, of course, the sixties came along and that was a great time to live in England. I came to writing through song lyrics, the poetry of Bob Dylan. The lyrics to "Eleanor Rigby," they tell a strange and mysterious story. I’ve always been obsessed with words. When I watch TV or movies, I’m listening to the script.

I was pleased to see The Desert Sun play a role in "Twilight Manors." Are any of the locations in the book based on real places in Palm Springs (Sacred Angels Thrift Store, Thai Me Up)?

They all are, but I’m not naming names. A lot of people are guessing. I think some of them are obvious. I mean, the Sacred Angels Thrift Store ...

You're also an historian. How important to you is historical accuracy in works of fiction? For example, when you talk about Howard Keel going "through chorus girls like a laxative," is it important that there be some truth to it?

Fiction is something that frees me from the restrictions of writing my history books. I’m fanatical about writing history accurately, but in fiction all bets are off. I don’t think people expect historical accuracy from "Twilight Manors." It’s a comedy of errors. I’m still a rebel at heart. In these times of the pandemic and political uncertainty, it’s important to laugh. I wrote the book for people with a sense of humor.

This is your fourth novel. What are you working on now?

I’m currently working on two books. One I’m co-writing with Rick Karlin. It’s called "Last Call," and it’s an encyclopedia of 1,001 gay-friendly bars in Chicago — going back to the 1920s. Rick and I both wrote for the gay press in Chicago. We were also both inducted into the Chicago Lesbian and Gay Hall of Fame. It was surprisingly easy to find 1,001 gay-friendly bars in Chicago.

I’m also working on a follow-up to "Twilight Manors" because I’ve fallen in love with the characters in the first book. They’re such loveable villains. I’m also working with a Cathedral City illustrator, Roy Alton Wald, on a new illustrated book of stories entitled “St Sukie’s Lunatic Asylum for Demented Toys.” It’s a follow-up to our previous collaboration, “St Sukie’s Strange Garden of Woodland Creatures.”

Who's on your bookshelf? What writers do you admire?

I was classically educated in Britain, and I still read D.H. Lawrence, Thomas Hardy and Jane Austen. Charles Dickens is in my blood. I’m a bit old-fashioned. I also admire experimental writers like Antonin Artaud, Virginia Woolf, Franz Kafka. I’m currently reading “I Hate Actors” by Ben Hecht and “The Grand Sex Tour Murders” by Daniel Jaffe. Chilling.

You were born Darryl Michael Vincent. Why did you rename yourself St Sukie de la Croix?

I wrote for the mainstream press back in Britain and I wrote under the name St Sukie de la Croix in the gay press. I didn’t want the two confused at that time. I had young children. Of course, now I’ve got four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. I legally changed my name when I became an American citizen.

If "Twilight Manors" were to be made into a film, who would be your first choices to play Brian and Stéphane?

I think Nathan Lane would make a good Brian and (I like) John Barrowman as Stéphane. They would have to age John a bit.

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: St Sukie de la Croix takes readers on a tour of 'God's waiting room'