Staffy's Gentle Demeanor with New Frenchie Pup Siblings Tugs at the Heartstrings

Ratchy the Pit Bull was lonely as a single pup—so when her mom brought home two French Bulldog puppies, she was definitely overwhelmed by their energy.

As the little pups surrounded her play growling, she stayed still on her bed and just let them play with her. The little pups ran circles around her!

The dog’s gentle demeanor with the puppies was so sweet to see. She would have made a great momma dog, but she’ll just stand in as one for these little pups and teach them everything she knows.

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It has to take a lot of patience to tolerate such wild puppy energy times two, but she definitely made the best of it! These three are going to grow up to be the best of friends.

Introducing Pups to Older Dogs

If you know how your dog is around other dogs, then you can just let them play. But for a more timid dog, you can start introducing them to a puppy through a gate in a doorway. Let them sniff each other, and get used to each other’s presence before bringing down the gate.

Be sure to praise your dog for any good strides, like tail wagging and extra sniffing. Once your dog starts to seem more comfortable around the pup, you can have another person put the pup on a leash, and you can together bring the dogs out for a walk.

The dogs will read each other’s energy and be able to socialize with the safety net of a leash being there. If all goes well, they will probably be ready to meet off-leash, too.

Once your dogs get used to each other, they will become the best of friends. Having multiple dogs is a gift because they give you double or triple times the amount of love. These three dogs are going to get used to one another and become really close in life.

Having a friend (or two) for your dog is another gift in itself because there’s some voids that people themselves can’t fill. Getting to run and play around with another dog is really special for your pup, and when they have playmates, you can almost guarantee they will sleep soundly at night after playing together all day.

In all, this big dog is going to get used to her puppy companions, even if she has to be extra patient. She will definitely be kept on her toes with these two though, as they look rather rambunctious.

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