This Student Delivers Krispy Kreme Across State Lines To Pay Off His Student Loans

Photo credit: Facebook
Photo credit: Facebook

From Delish

I love Krispy Kreme just as much as the next guy, but I'm not sure I'd drive 600 miles for it. But such is the reality for Minnesota-based student and entrepreneur of sorts Jayson Gonzalez, who drives to Iowa on the weekends to pick up Krispy Kreme for customers all around Minnesota.

The 21-year-old college senior founded Krispy Kreme Run Minnesota, a Facebook group with about 3,300 followers where he takes donut orders from all over the state of Minnesota according to This service is in such high demand because the chain closed all of its Minnesota locations by 2008.

Earlier this year, Gonzalez was in Iowa for a soccer tournament and saw that they had Krispy Kreme, so he posted on Facebook marketplace to see if anyone wanted him to pick some up. “I kid you not, a couple days later, I had over 300 replies," Gonzalez told

Once he noticed the demand, he started his own Facebook page where he began taking orders and developing his own system of pick-up locations where customers could meet him to get their coveted donuts.

Each of his stops are in a public parking lot (usually a Target), where there are security cameras to keep watch for safety purposes. Gonzalez didn't tell exactly how much he's made thus far through his donut delivery service, but he said one run is equal to about 80 hours at his previous job at Starbucks.

According to the Krispy Kreme Run Minnesota Facebook page, he charges $17 per a dozen of plain glazed, $20 per a dozen of donut flavors besides glazed. He packs his Ford Focus up to the brim with Krispy Kreme boxes. He uses the up-charge to cover the cost of the product, gas, tipping the Krispy Kreme employees. Any additional profit he makes after that is used to pay off his student loans. That's a crafty businessman if I've ever seen one.

Gonzalez will be making his twentieth donut run this Saturday, so it looks like business is booming. I'm equal parts impressed and upset I didn't think of this first.

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