Use Stuffing Mix Instead Of Breadcrumbs For Meatballs And Thank Us Later

Meatballs made with stuffing
Meatballs made with stuffing - Lauripatterson/Getty Images

If you love eating soft, juicy meatballs, then you probably already know that one of the key ingredients in most meatball recipes is breadcrumbs. The reason behind this is that the breadcrumbs help trap the juices and fat as the ground meat browns, keeping everything moist and tender.

However, while your typical meatball recipe contains breadcrumbs, there are substitutes out there that will work just as well. One of the tastiest that you can try is stuffing mix. Stuffing mix is made from a base of cubes of dry bread, which is why it serves well for adding to your meatballs. But, it also includes herbs and, oftentimes, veggies which can add extra flavor to your meal.

Of course, if you want to try doing this yourself, there are a couple of things you need to know first. Plus, there are several variations on this method to consider that can elevate your meatballs even more.

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What To Know About Making Meatballs With Stuffing Mix

Raw meatballs and mix on a table
Raw meatballs and mix on a table - Carlosgaw/Getty Images

The first thing to think about when making meatballs with stuffing mix is whether or not you need to cook the stuffing first. As it happens, the answer depends.

You can actually use leftover holiday stuffing to make meatballs if you have some lying around. Or, if you've already gobbled up what didn't get eaten at Thanksgiving, you can use fresh stuffing. Just make sure to moisten it with some water (around 2 tablespoons for every cup of stuffing) before mixing it with the rest of your meatball ingredients. While you can use uncooked store-bought stuffing straight out of the box, you'll want to increase the water content in your meatball mixture to around ? cup per pound of ground beef.

Finally, it pays to think about what flavor stuffing you use. For instance, you could use a cornbread variety to add a bit of sweetness to your meatballs. Or, you could go for a classic butter and herb variety that's filled with flavors such as those of sage and thyme. Whichever you choose, you'll be able to infuse a unique taste into your dinner.

Variations On Stuffing Mix Meatballs

Stuffing meatballs and cranberry sauce
Stuffing meatballs and cranberry sauce - Lauripatterson/Getty Images

While you can simply swap out the breadcrumbs in your favorite meatball recipe for stuffing mix, there are a number of other ways to play around with this nifty culinary substitution. One fun variation that can give it a festive feel is to cook your meatballs in canned cranberry sauce. Both jelly and whole-berry sauces work well here and will give your dish the perfect sweet flavor to balance out the saltiness of the meatballs. This works especially well if you swap ground beef for ground turkey, evoking the flavors of a Thanksgiving feast. Consider other protein substitutions, whether that's ground pork or even a plant-based option.

You can also amp up your stuffing meatballs by adding extra mix-ins. Dried cranberries, raisins, or currants, as well as nuts, will all make great additions to meatballs and help ramp up their flavor. Whether it's the holiday season or you've got an extra box in the pantry, putting your stuffing mix to use in meatballs is an easy way to yield an even tastier dish.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.