Summertime art: Downtown Gallery offers tours for kids, families

Heidi and Jeff Thamert have survived for 22 years in that most fickle of businesses, the art world, by thinking outside the box. This summer, the owners of Downtown Art Gallery are reaching out to tomorrow’s artists and art collectors by inviting families to visit their Titusville gallery for informal field trips.

“Since Brevard no longer has an art museum, this may be the only way to introduce children to art exhibits,” said gallery spokesperson Ann Welly Revels.

When school starts and the weather becomes more temperate, the Thamerts set up pop up tents on the lawn outside their gallery at 400 Orange Street, but since it is now too hot for plein air markers and crayons, the couple welcomes the kids into the gallery.

“We are encouraging parents to bring kids here to get some art inside the gallery,” Heidi Thamert said.

Heidi and Jeff Thamert are the owners of Downtown Art Gallery in Titusville.
Heidi and Jeff Thamert are the owners of Downtown Art Gallery in Titusville.

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Gerald White took the Thamerts up on their offer, discovering in the process that his children appreciated the opportunity as much as he did.

“Exposing my daughters to art is about enriching their minds and broadening their horizons,” said the Brevard resident. “I hope to inspire them to always see the world with compassion and creativity.”

Downtown Art Gallery hosts the work of 20 local artists ranging in medium from painting and photography to basket weaving and jewelry. While the Thamerts will be showcasing their large-scale photography at the Michigan juried fine art show circuit until the end of July, the gallery will remain open and staffed by artist/exhibitors.

“Our artists are excited to explain different techniques and answer any questions, providing a fun and educational experience for young art enthusiasts,” Thamert said. “Plus, it's inside where it's cool!”

The little tour looks at different mediums and techniques, and offers a list of other fun local attractions, such as the downtown murals, the North Brevard Historical Museum, the American Space Museum & Walk of Fame, and more, to while away a summer’s day in the north part of the county.

The Downtown Art Gallery in Titusville offers summer tours for families, giving kids a look at different mediums and techniques.
The Downtown Art Gallery in Titusville offers summer tours for families, giving kids a look at different mediums and techniques.

Summer hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. Downtown Art Gallery is closed on Tuesday, Thursdays and Sundays during July.

A stalwart advocate for the arts in North Brevard, Downtown Art Gallery relocated to larger quarters late last year. The gallery is the site of frequent art receptions.

The Thamerts’ connection with Titusville runs deep. The couple met while working at Kloiber’s Cobbler Eatery, which Jeff’s uncle owned. They shared a love for photography, and when a small space became available next to Kloiber’s, they opened a frame shop with room to exhibit their art. As adjoining space became available, they expanded, inviting local artists to join them. They now boast five large showrooms and are one of the largest galleries in Florida.

“The amount of talented artists in our area is amazing,” Heidi said. “We love being at the center of art in our community.”

For more information, call 321-268-0122 or 321-960-2930, or visit

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This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Titusville gallery offers summer tours for young artists