Sunday In Brooklyn's Pancakes Are Insane

Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin

From Delish

Pancakes are not one size fits all, I know. There are passionate groups behind every style: pillowy, crepe-like, studded with fruit. But it's hard to argue that Sunday In Brooklyn's stack is anything but perfect.

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Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin

You could call the pancakes an Instagram star, but that's almost doing them a disservice, making them sound like a publicity stunt. They're legitimately delicious - in a way that made-for-social media dishes often aren't.

"We wanted something unique, a bit over-the-top, even a little cartoon-y," says executive chef Jaime Young. When the pancakes come out of the kitchen, he gets those cartoon reactions: eyes bugging out, heads spinning. Because the pancakes are so fluffy, the stack is laughably tall. Chefs completely fill their small pans - about six inches wide - with batter, so it's forced to rise as it bakes instead of spread.

Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin

Young developed the recipe with a few special ingredients: malt powder, for the nutty taste it lends, and buttermilk. The latter does two things. It makes the pancakes lighter and gives them a little tang.

Then there's the syrup. Holy S#!&, the syrup. The menu reads hazelnut maple praline, which means this: Chefs blend roasted hazelnuts into a chunky nut butter, then mix it with maple syrup. It's thicker than what you're used to pouring on a short stack and doesn't soak into the pancakes in mere seconds. It's also what makes the pancakes so expensive. The dish is $18, mostly because hazelnuts aren't cheap.

Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin

I'm a firm believer in Table Pancakes (n.: a platter of pancakes ordered for the table, to share as an appetizer or side), and Sunday In Brooklyn's are designed to be ordered that way. Young calls them a team effort. Well, most of the time. "This one guy - he was definitely a body builder - finished a whole stack. Then a burger."

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