Super Scientific Survey: ‘Harry Potter' Fans Prefer Dogs Over Cats

Hermione would be devastated, because a new *super* scientific survey has determined that Harry Potter fans are also (mostly) dog people. (Sorry, not sorry, Crookshanks.)

According to the survey from Joybird, which polled over 400 people via the Pottermore website, you're nearly 63 percent more likely to love dogs if you love Harry Potter, though respondents who identified with the Hogwarts house Ravenclaw preferred cats the most (41 percent versus 59 percent who loved dogs), while Hufflepuffs picked dogs a whopping 68 percent of the time. (The Aragogs and Hedwigs of the Wizarding World weren't included as options, unfortunately.)

And here we thought Fluffy the three-headed dog wasn't that loveable...

Sending an owl to Hagrid (with some treats for Fang, of course).

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