Sarah Hyland Opens Up About Sexual Assault on Twitter with the Hashtag #WhyIDidntReport

Photo credit: David Becker - Getty Images
Photo credit: David Becker - Getty Images

From Seventeen

Women and men around the country have been coming together in support of sexual assault survivors this week. The movement was prompted by the multiple sexual assault allegations against President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh. Many have been questioning why the women, who claim Kavanaugh sexually assaulted them in high school and college, respectively, didn't press charges years ago. Now, survivors all over the country are taking to Twitter to explain #WhyIDidntReport, proving that sometimes, fear, shame, or even lack of knowledge can keep a woman from telling her story.

Even Riverdale star Lili Reinhart joined the conversation, explaining that she didn't report her sexual assault, because she didn't want to lose her job or be labeled as a drama queen.

Sarah Hyland of Modern Family also spoke out about her experience with sexual assault, posting to Twitter in support of Judge Kavanaugh's accusers. Like Lili, she cites not wanting to be dramatic as a reason why she didn't report her assault.

"He was a friend," she wrote. "It was New Year's eve my senior year of high school. Everyone was drunk. He broke in to the bathroom I was in. I hoped it was a dream but my ripped tights in the morning proved otherwise. I thought no one would believe me. I didn't want to be called dramatic. After all I didn't say no. Shock can do that to a person."

Many teens are adding their experiences to the discussion as well. Some explained how they thought sexual assault was "just what all teenaged boys do," or they didn't even realize that it wasn't right.

Others said they DID report the assault, but were told to keep quiet.

Some were simply too scared to talk about it.

Or, like Lili, they didn't want to be labeled as a "drama queen" or be told they were just seeking attention.

And others thought they might get blamed or wouldn't be believed.

Whatever the reason, every man and woman has the ability to choose whether or not to report their sexual assault. And, whether they decide to report it right away, never, or even 20 years after, we must still #BelieveSurvivors

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