Bob Harper

  • Health
    Yahoo Life

    Bob Harper on the 'emotional trauma' of his heart attack and the importance of getting 'help when you need it'

    The "Biggest Loser" star on learning to "pivot" after his health crisis and why "sometimes I don't want my trainers to be my life coach."

  • News
    Yahoo Life

    Bob Harper 1 year after near-fatal heart attack: 'Who cares about having a six-pack?

    A year after suffering a widow-maker heart attack, which had him dead on the floor for nine minutes, the "Biggest Loser" star talks about how he's changed his diet and fitness regimen, but more importantly his outlook on life. "I remember kind of saying to myself: ‘I'm going to have this six-pack in a casket.’ Like, who cares?! ...Who the f**k cares?”

  • News
    Yahoo Life

    Bob Harper’s Dog Is Helping Him Recover From a Heart Attack

    Bob Harper is recovering from a heart attack. Earlier this week, we learned that celebrity fitness trainer Bob Harper suffered a heart attack, which landed him in the hospital for an eight-night stay. Over the past few years, investigators have concluded that animal-assisted therapy (or pet therapy) has the ability to enhance a patient’s physical, emotional, and/or cognitive health.

  • News
    Dora Fung

    Health and Fitness Advice From the Experts at Kohl’s #GetActiveWithKohls

    January is almost done — have you been keeping up with that New Year’s resolution to stay fit? The retailer?has enlisted a few experts to educate, encourage, and motivate folks?to get active and to make that lifestyle change to help us keep up New Year’s fitness goals?beyond January! We spoke?to health and fitness guru Bob Harper from Daily Burn, and Kevin Curry, nutritionist from Fit Men Cook, on how to stay on course with healthier living for the rest of the year.

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