Charlie Sheen

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    Yahoo Life

    This newly approved drug treats breast cancer like Angelina Jolie's

    According to a press release by the Food and Drug Administration, the drug Lynparza was approved for patients whose breast cancer has metastasized and who carry a mutation in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

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    Yahoo Life

    Singer Opens Up About Domestic Abuse: ‘No One Who Hurts You Loves You’

    Jessica Lea Mayfield, a 28-year-old singer-songwriter from Kent, Ohio, shared her story of domestic abuse with her 7,000 Instagram followers Monday.

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    Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy

    Jenny McCarthy Says She Knows Kissing Doesn’t Cause HIV, Spreads Myth Anyway

    I know science isn’t really your thing (but if I ever need to know about what co-hosting a game show with Chris Hardwick is like, I promise to ask you to weigh in) — but your comments about Charlie Sheen and your work with him on Two and a Half Men? Just no. Wednesday, McCarthy told listeners of her SiriusXM show Dirty, Sexy, Funny?that when it comes to Sheen and his recent disclosure of his HIV diagnosis, “I look back and I’m like, ‘OK, that would have been some valuable information.’ Look how

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    The Cut on Yahoo

    The Real Risks of Sex With Someone Who Has HIV

    Sheen has an undetectable viral load, meaning that he’s being treated and the virus cannot be found in his blood. He says he told all of his partners about his diagnosis before sex, and that he’s had unprotected sex with two people since being diagnosed. Leaving aside whether it’s ever a good idea to sleep with Charlie Sheen in the first place, is it true that HIV can’t be transmitted when the virus is undetectable? Related: What We Can Learn From Charlie Sheen’s Admission That He’s HIV-Posit

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    Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy

    Lambskin Condoms and Pulling Out: Everything You (And Charlie Sheen) Need to Know

    If you haven’t heard about lambskin condoms, read on about the potential dangers. The actor told Matt Lauer in an exclusive interview that he had informed all of his sexual partners of his HIV positive status.

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    Korin Miller

    Charlie Sheen Reveals He is HIV Positive

    Charlie Sheen is HIV positive, the actor revealed in a Nov. 17 interview with “Today.” “I’m here to admit that I’m in fact HIV positive,” Sheen told Matt Lauer. When you have an undetectable amount of the HIV virus in your blood, it doesn’t mean that there’s zero HIV in your blood, he says.

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