E Cigarette

  • Health
    Yahoo Life

    Teens develop respiratory problems within 30 days of using e-cigarettes, new study finds. Experts say this is a wake-up call.

    Experts explain that e-cigarette use among teens isn't harmless and can quickly cause respiratory problems, according to a new study.

  • Lifestyle
    Yahoo Life

    Texas man dies in freak accident after e-cigarette explodes in his face

    The vape pen the man was using tore his carotid artery when it exploded. He was just weeks away from his 25th birthday.

  • News
    Amy Rushlow

    Teens Who Try E-Cigs More Likely to Start Smoking

    Teens who try electronic cigarettes may be more than twice as likely to progress to traditional cigarettes as their peers who haven’t used the devices, a recent U.S. study finds.

  • News
    Amy Rushlow

    E-Cigarette Ads Target Millions of Teens, Govt. Says

    The U.S. government is criticizing electronic cigarette manufacturers for targeting teens. Companies spent $115 million to advertise e-cigarettes in 2014. (Photo: Getty Images)

  • News
    Yahoo Premium Partners

    Adolescent E-Cigarette Use Tied to Breathing Problems

    “Among never smoking adolescents, e-cigarette users are twice as likely to report respiratory symptoms than non-users.” Adolescents who reported using e-cigarettes were about 30 percent more likely to report respiratory symptoms than those who never used e-cigarettes, in a study from China. The increased risk of breathing problems — like a cough or phlegm — varied depending on whether or not the adolescents also smoked traditional cigarettes. “Among never smoking adolescents, e-cigarette user

  • News
    Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy

    Liquid Nicotine Companies Co-Opt Popular Candy and Cereal Brands to Target Kids

    Now cigarette advertising is heavily regulated by government agencies. A newly released?report?from the bipartisan child welfare lobbying group First Focus found that poison control centers reported a 1,296 percent increase in exposure to liquid nicotine from 2011 to 2014, with more than half of those incidents involving children under the age of 6. “The lack of federal regulation of e-cigarettes has created a ‘Wild West’ where children’s favorite cereal spokescharacters are now selling them t

  • News
    Yahoo Health

    'Vape' Is The Word Of The Year. Here's Why That's A Bad Thing.

    To “vape” means to inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device. Always spotting trends on the rise, last year’s Oxford English Dictionary “Word of the Year” was “selfie” — and we’ve seen no shortage of personal snaps, selfie-centered books and namesake TV shows spawned since the announcement. As proof that e-cigarette use has reached mainstream audiences, the folks at the Oxford dictionary have just announced “vape” as their word of 2014.

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