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    Yahoo Life

    Spirit Junkie creator Gabrielle Bernstein on how to be judgment-free in 2018

    Leading up to the Jan. 2 release of her sixth book, titled "Judgment Detox," the woman behind the Spirit Junkie app?talks about the aspect of your life that is most likely keeping you from reaching your full potential.

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    Yahoo Life

    Is There a Difference Between Posting Photos in a Bathing Suit vs. in Underwear?

    Personal trainer and nutrition coach, Roos, recently shared an interesting message on body image via?her Instagram. Netherlands-based personal trainer and nutrition coach, Roos,?spreads body positivity through her popular Instagram account?fitroosje. In a recent post she hit her followers with a question that’s honestly been plaguing us for awhile: When it comes to posting photos while wearing?swimwear versus wearing?underwear, what exactly is the difference?

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