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    Kleenex (Yes, Kleenex) Is About to Change the Way You Exfoliate?

    I reserve my boxes of tissues for when I'm re-watching the Titanic for the 147th time, not for stripping my skin of the dead skin cells that so often cause my breakouts, so if you're hesitant due to my headline, I get you. But I'm here today to tell you I have a Kleenex obsession (says my desk-mate who has overheard me freaking out more than a few times this week), and said obsession is largely due to the new line of facial care products the brand launched about a year ago. While any type of

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    Yahoo Style

    Kleenex + Fashion: Has the Designer Collaboration Gone Too Far?

    Fashion collaborations used to be something we looked forward to; now, they're starting to feel like a never-ending (and increasingly confusing) game of Whack-a-Mole. Once one ends, another pops up. Just yesterday, Betsey Johnson, who has previously linked with Urban Outfitters, Opening Ceremony, and OPI, announced yet another partnership. This time, with Kleenex.

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