Your Taurus Monthly Horoscope for February

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan


  • February 9: Organize your goals.

  • February 16: Don’t send DMs you’ll end up regretting.

  • February 23: Hit up a friend-of-a-friend for an unexpected hang!

Everyone hustles for different reasons—you are motivated by money. And listen, while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with chasing that cash, you learned last month that stability is worth more than what’s in your bank account. You need to counterbalance your career with structure. Gather trustworthy friends and family who support your journey so you can succeed.

Thankfully, the Full Moon in Leo on February 9 will help you establish a link between your long-term goals and current realities. Under this lunation, surround yourself with people who inspire you to be your best self and write out your intentions for the next eleven months. I know time moves quickly, but 2020 is still in its early days, so take advantage of the boundless possibilities! Don’t forget that you’re steering the ship.

But you may want to press pause before you start sharing your visions with the world (in other words, don’t change your Instagram bio just yet). On February 16, Mercury cruises into its retrograde motion in Pisces’ sky. When this planet of communication goes backward, everything gets a bit distorted. Awkward miscommunications, frustrating technology glitches, and transportation delays will be inevitable. People will NOT be in the best state of mind to receive new information.

Moreover, Mercury’s backward glide activates the area of your chart linked to social networks and technology, so be careful with seemingly harmless DMs. Don’t let someone take a screenshot of that regrettable 2 a.m. “u up?” message.

Meanwhile, the Sun glides into Pisces on February 18—aka ’tis the season for collaborative innovation! Pisces energy activates the area of your chart associated with teamwork, so you’ll be inspired to step outside your social circle over the next few weeks. The New Moon in Pisces on February 23 is an excellent day to get together with like-minded thinkers, so don’t be afraid to hit up a friend-of-a-friend.

I know it’s not always easy to broaden your horizons, but this cosmic motion invites you to be brave. Why not expand your community? There are so many amazing people out there who will enhance your innate talents and abilities! In the words of Cher Horowitz (who was born in April and could, therefore, be a Taurus): “The more the merrier!”

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