Taylor Swift Reportedly Fires Close Friend Toshi

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Taylor Swift is said to be "livid" with her backup dancer and close friend Toshi after discovering that he allegedly posted a series of offensive, sexist, and frankly disturbing posts to social media.

Before turning his Instagram account to private, Toshi made jokes about women's place being in "the kitchen," as well as a series of "jokes" about sexual assault.

"She has considered him one of her closest friends on the road after recruiting him for her 1989 tour back in 2014," a source told Daily Mail. "But she simply cannot endorse this behavior and to do so would be setting a bad example to her fans."

Meanwhile, Taylor's fans are furious about Toshi's behavior:

Toshi has previously made headlines for setting up a Go Fund Me page for his sick nephew, which Taylor donated $50k towards.

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