These LED Lamps Mimic Natural Light and Are Perfect for Back-to-School
These LED Lamps Mimic Natural Light and Are Perfect for Back-to-School
After hours of working on your laptop (ooor watching cat videos on YouTube), you may start to feel like you're working twice as hard to see. That's because we tend to blink less when we're preoccupied by the computer, or any screen for that matter, causing us to stare at the screen for a longer period of time. This is called Computer Vision Syndrome, and it affects nearly 75% of people over 40 who use a computer daily.
You could just turn on the light, right? Well, most households have adopted the LED lightbulb into homes, and while they're cost-effective, using less energy and lasting longer, they're not the best solution for your eyes. Harsh LED lights emit blue light, which can cause retina damage. It's no wonder you're squinting to see the book (er, cat video) right in front of you!
That's why Prevention has partnered with OttLite to create LED lamps that mimic natural light, which does a ton of good for your eyes, allowing them to finally relax and work the way they're supposed to. Read on for more about them:
No more squinting!