How to Tell If Your Child's Cough Is a Sign of COVID-19

How to Tell If Your Child's Cough Is a Sign of COVID-19

Coughing is a relatively common symptom of COVID-19. Here's what a COVID-19 cough sounds like and when you should call the doctor.

Medically reviewed by Monika Goyal, M.D.

Children who get COVID-19 usually experience fever and cough, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The infection is often mild in children, but sometimes cases can be severe. But how can you tell the difference between a COVID-19-induced cough and one caused by something else? We spoke with an expert to break down this common COVID-19 symptom and to determine what a COVID-19 cough sounds like compared to those brought on by the flu, a cold, or allergies.

Related: What Is the Difference Between a Dry and Wet Cough in Kids?

Is Coughing a Sign of COVID-19?

Yes, coughing can be a sign of COVID-19, but a cough alone doesn't indicate your child has the virus.

Here's the confounding thing about COVID-19: People can present with drastically different symptoms. It's also possible to have an asymptomatic case of COVID-19 (where you have the infection but you don't have any symptoms).

Still, coughing seems to be one of the most common signs of COVID-19 in kids. Other common symptoms include:

  • Sore throat

  • Runny nose

  • Headache

  • Fatigue

  • Shortness of breath

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

In most cases, COVID-19 seems to resemble a cold or flu in young people.

Related: COVID-19 Symptoms in Kids and Toddlers

What Does a COVID-19 Cough Sound Like?

The COVID-19 cough is often dry—meaning it doesn't produce mucus or phlegm. That means a COVID-19 cough commonly sounds hacking rather than rattly. The cough is likely caused by irritation of the lung tissues from the virus, according to Hector de Leon, MD, pediatrician for Kaiser Permanente in Colorado.

Other signs of a dry cough include the following:

  • Tickling in the throat

  • Hacking sounds

  • No feeling of relief after a coughing spell

It's important to note, though, that a percentage of COVID-19 patients report a productive wet cough instead, says Dr. de Leon. This type of cough releases mucus or phlegm and often comes with postnasal drip.

In addition, doctors have noticed another symptom in young kids: a barking cough that resembles croup. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a croup cough happens when a child's narrow airways become inflamed or swollen. If your child develops a barking cough, it's important to bring it up with a health care provider, but experts say not to worry because croup is familiar and easily treatable.





Cough Sounds





Cough Characteristics

Most often dry, but can be wet









Other Distinct Symptoms

Shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell

Clear nasal discharge that changes to yellow, white, or green

Muscle pain and body aches

Itchy, watery eyes and nose, sneezing

Related: The Flu vs. COVID-19: How to Navigate the Differences and Stay Healthy During Flu Season

My Child Is Coughing—Do They Have COVID-19?

Parents and children might ask, "If I have a cough, do I have COVID-19?" Good question, but there's not a concrete answer. Coughing can have many different causes, and they're not always infectious.

"We need to consider the big picture when diagnosing coughs," says Dr. de Leon. Besides COVID-19, a dry or wet cough might also signal a viral illness like a cold or flu, asthma, allergies, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or irritation from environmental factors like smoke.

Try analyzing your child's overall health. Do they also have sneezing, red eyes, and a scratchy throat? If so, their symptoms are likely from allergies, says Dr. de Leon.

Similarly, if their cough worsens after eating and comes with heartburn, the diagnosis might be GERD. "If your child isn't struggling, if they can do the things that they normally do like play outside, it's probably something they can manage at home," says Dr. de Leon.

Your child may have COVID-19 if they've had recent exposure to someone with COVID-19 or if they develop other symptoms of the illness. According to the CDC, these generally appear two to 14 days after exposure, and they might include:

  • Fever

  • Sore throat

  • Fatigue

  • Headache

  • Runny nose or congestion

  • Body aches

  • Gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

  • Loss of taste or smell

Getting tested can help you determine if your child has COVID-19. The CDC recommends taking a test immediately if you have symptoms.

Related: Here's Everything You Need to Know About COVID-19 in Kids

When to Call the Doctor

Alert the doctor if you think your child's cough sounds like COVID-19. Always call the office before visiting; doctor's offices often want to keep active infections out of the office to keep everyone else safe.

Also, "illness can often be diagnosed through a phone visit," says Dr. de Leon. The health care provider can then assess whether your child needs to come in for testing, evaluation, or treatment.

Tell the doctor immediately about any worrisome symptoms that accompany coughing, such as:

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Chest pain

  • Confusion

  • Bluish lips or face

  • Sluggishness or inability to wake

  • Signs of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) such as fever, rash, abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea

How to Treat a COVID-19 Cough

To treat COVID-19, the CDC recommends staying home, getting enough rest, and monitoring your symptoms. Dr. de Leon adds that honey can soothe a dry cough for kids over 1, and staying hydrated also promotes a faster recovery.

Perhaps the most important thing, though, is doing what you can to stop the spread of COVID-19 to others. While children often have mild cases, the coronavirus can be serious for older adults and those with compromised immune systems. Caregivers should wash their hands frequently, disinfect surfaces regularly, and avoid sharing personal items.

Related: 9 Ways to Treat Your Child's Cough Naturally

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