Help Us Start Our Show: Tell Us How You Watch Hoda & Jenna!
We are no longer taking submissions at this time. Thank you for entering!
Do you watch Hoda and Jenna every morning with your family? Do you watch while you make breakfast, exercise, or get ready for work?
TODAY with Hoda and Jenna wants to know how you watch the show! Tell us how you watch below, and describe how you could capture this on video, and it may be featured on the show!
Video requirements:
Please start your video by saying “Hi, I’m ___ (and introduce anyone else you’re with) from ___, and this is how I watch Hoda & Jenna," then show us how you watch.
Please shoot your video horizontally.
Get creative! If you have a special talent, skill or beautiful location, show us! This is a fun way to show off our amazing viewers.
Note: The maximum video length is 90 seconds, and the maximum file size is 1GB.