Texas Police Save Christmas for Kids After Their Gifts Were Stolen

A Fort Worth mom and her three sons have local police officers to thank for their Christmas joy this year.

"This Christmas will always be remembered. It will always be a story." Brittney Curry told Fox 4.

Last week, just three days before Christmas, Curry was crushed to find that nearly all of the gifts she purchased for her sons has been stolen. She had used her Christmas bonus check to finish shopping for her boys, Joshua, Christian and Michael, on Friday. She then went home to the Saddlehorn Vista apartments in Fort Worth, and left the bikes, games, shoes and clothes in her trunk for a few hours, wher she thought they’d be safe.

When she returned to her car later that evening she discovered that it had been broken into, and all the presents had been stolen.

After sharing the terrible news with her sons, Curry reported the theft to the Fort Worth police. "There was no way we were going to be able to rebuy any of those gifts,” she told Fox 4. “I was devastated."

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The next morning she followed up with the police department. To her surprise, the officer she spoke with told her he had three bags of gifts to bring over. Later that day, Fort Worth Police arrived at Curry’s home and let the boys pick their own gifts from toys that had been donated to the department for young crime victims.

"It's nice to be able to have something just good happen.” Officer Bradley Klingberg told Fox 4. "Any time you can go and make a real difference in someone's life, it feels really good."

"They were so talkative and amazing with the boys," recalled Curry. “It turned a horrific Christmas into something I felt like is normal again."