
In the long list of the world’s most beloved animated series, it’s no hyperbole to state that "SpongeBob SquarePants" ranks pretty close to the top. Since airing in May 1999, it has become popular with both children and parents alike and has been referenced in popular culture countless times — who hasn’t shared that now iconic Mr. Krabs meme? — even by those who haven’t seen more than an episode or two.

The world of Bikini Bottom is colorful, fun and multi-faceted, with no shortage of vibrant characters, heartwarming friendships and wow-those-sound-interesting foods and drinks that have kept fans intrigued over the last two decades.

And now the latest installment in the SpongeBob movie canon is coming at us with "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run" — telling the story of how SpongeBob met his BFF Gary, along with the introduction of some new characters.

To get you ready for your next SpongeBob journey with the family, here’s a look at some of your favorite SpongeBob friendships over the years, along with some fun viewing ideas, a quiz to test your knowledge and recipes for enjoying the new movie.


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