There's a scorpion in your pool or toilet. Here's how long scorpions can live in water

In Arizona, scorpions become more active when temperatures rise above 70 degrees. As the weather warms, scorpions go in search of food and mates, leading to increased sightings.

This time of year, they're not staying in their usual hiding places in cracks and crevices or under rocks and piles of yard debris.

Don't be surprised if a scorpion shows up in your pool or even your toilet. Pools and other damp areas can attract scorpions seeking water, especially during extreme dry periods.

You can reduce your chances of encountering a scorpion in your pool or commode. Here's everything to know about scorpions and water, including how long one can survive in a pool and whether you can get stung while swimming.

Can scorpions swim?

Scorpions are not known for their swimming abilities, according to Insectek, a Phoenix pest control company. They are terrestrial arachnids and are adapted to life on land.

Scorpions are highly resilient and can close their respiratory spiracles to prevent drowning, allowing them to survive temporarily in water.

They can float and move along the surface using their legs to propel themselves, but they are not adept swimmers and cannot survive prolonged immersion.

Do scorpions go in the water?

Scorpions do not typically go in the water by choice. However, they are drawn to water sources and could accidentally fall into a pool or toilet bowl.

Are there aquatic scorpions?

There are no true aquatic scorpions. All known species of scorpions are terrestrial and have evolved to live on land. However, there is a creature called a water scorpion, which is not a true scorpion but an aquatic insect belonging to the family Nepidae in the order Hemiptera.

Water scorpions are adapted to living in freshwater habitats such as ponds, lakes and slow-moving streams. They are predators, feeding on small fish, insects and tadpoles. Despite their name and appearance, water scorpions are not related to true scorpions and do not possess venomous stingers.

Can you get stung by a scorpion while swimming?

It's highly unlikely to get stung by a scorpion while swimming, but it's not impossible. If you touch a scorpion in the water, it could sting you, according to Insectek. However, this is a rare occurrence. The scorpion is more concerned with trying to escape the water.

How long can a scorpion survive in a pool?

Scorpions can survive in a pool or other body of water for up to 48 hours, according to Insectek. So don't assume that the scorpion you see floating is dead.

Can scorpions come up through the drain?

Scorpions can come up through water-pipe systems and drains that lead to sinks, bathtubs or toilets, especially during hot summer days when they search for water, according to Magic Pest Control. They are adept at finding small openings or cracks the width of a credit card and often make themselves at home in areas where they can find moisture.

Can you flush a scorpion down the toilet?

While it may be tempting to flush a scorpion down the toilet, Magic Pest Control, which has locations throughout metro Phoenix, says it's not an effective method for killing them. Scorpions can survive in water for up to two days and could possibly resurface in your toilet bowl.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: There's a scorpion in your pool or toilet: Here's what to do