Thousands Sign Petition To Make Royals Pay For Princess Eugenie's Huge Wedding Bill

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

From Delish

Princess Eugenie's royal wedding is going down in T-minus just a few days (October 12! Mark your cal!), and as a reminder it's costing our friends across the pond in England SO. MUCH. MONEY. Security for this ~do~ is setting taxpayers back two million pounds, which-to be fair-is being put to good use keeping Eugenie and her husband-to-be Jack Brooksbank safe.

But taxpayers understandably aren't thrilled about the high cost of another royal wedding, especially considering that Eugenie isn't one of the "main" working royals, and that she and her family are fully LOADED.

In other words, this is people in England:

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

And now? Now there's a petition floating around with thousands of signatures asking that the royals cover the two million taxpayer burden of this wedding. The petition comes from Republic, a campaign to replace the monarchy with elected heads of state (errrrr), and royal correspondents are confirming that about 6k people have signed:

Woof, sounds complicated. Time to do our civic duty as royal drama enthusiasts and vote:

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