TikTokers Are Obsessed With the 'Divine Feminine'—Here Are 17 Ways To Connect to It In Your Own Life

Rest, self-love, the right energy—it's no wonder 'divine feminine' is trending.

Depending on the social media circles you late-night scroll in, you may be noticing chatter around a concept known as "the divine feminine."

The hashtag #divinefeminine has more than 4.2 million tags on Instagram. The posts showcase everything from photos of goddesses to relationship advice. And while the concept may be buzzy, it's nothing new.

"In the U.S., [people may] hear about goddesses and think that it’s something people have done in the past," says Dr. Amy Hale, Ph.D., an anthropologist and folklorist. "But the idea of the divine feminine and worshiping goddesses hasn’t gone anywhere all over the world. It’s something people do all of the time…it’s important we recognize and remember that.”

Still, many individuals are tuning into it for the first time. The reason isn't rocket science. As cliche as it sounds, Dr. Hale says "divine feminine" is reaching new audiences because of social media.

"It's not the fanciest response…but back in the 1980s, when people like myself were trying to find out more about this, you had to go to specialty bookshops and talk to the right people," Dr. Hale says. "Now, people have more access, and people are finding that they relate to it and a great deal of personal meaning in goddesses they may not have known existed…for a lot of people, this is a very joyful and positive discovery."

If you're discovering it for the first time, how can you embrace it? Experts shared tips on connecting with the divine feminine.

What Is "The Divine Feminine"?

"The Divine Feminine is the feminine aspect of the divine power that connects and binds the Earth together," according to Women's Recovery. "In other words, it is the goddess energy that exists within all of us. Many ancient cultures have a Divine Feminine concept. The Egyptians had Isis, the Greeks had Aphrodite, and the Hindus have Shakti. Aspects of the Divine Feminine can be found in almost all ancient and modern belief systems. The Divine Feminine is often associated with fertility, creativity, and intuition."

Dr. Hale thinks there are two ways to answer this question, depending on your background and orientation.

"The first is in the many instances of goddesses that have been venerated worldwide, both past and present," Dr. Hale says. "For many peoples of the world, goddesses have always been part of their religious traditions."

But for those who practice Abrahamic religions, such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism, it may have a different definition. Dr. Hale says these religions typically worship a male deity, and the "divine feminine" refers to ways that the divine has been conceptualized through women.

"In Catholic traditions, the face of the divine feminine might be Mary or any number of female saints," Dr. Hale explains. "In other Christian traditions, the Holy Spirit is seen as female. In Judaism, the Shekinah represents the feminine aspect of God."

What Qualities Does the Devine Feminine Represent?

When you think "divine feminine," you can generally think of nurturing, gentle, heart-centered, creative, mindful, spiritual, compassionate, sensual, sensitive and intuitive traits and qualities.

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However, the answer is complex.

"I don’t think the divine feminine can be reduced to a simple set of characteristics," Dr. Hale says. "I think that socially and culturally, the divine feminine represents the idea of spiritual plurality, pushing back on the idea that there is only one way to see God and that it’s in the image of a man. For many people, embracing the divine feminine is a mode of resistance against the patriarchy: control, war, violence."

Still, Dr. Hale prefers not to put deities in a box.

"There are some pretty scary goddesses out there, such as The Morrigan from Ireland, who feeds off of slain warriors, and the Greek Hekate, who is a goddess of the underworld and sorcery," Dr. Hale says. "Also, many male gods offer a lot of nurturance and comfort."

17 Ways To Connect to the Divine Feminine

1. Engage in Emotional Exploration

Honoring and assessing your emotions can help you feel more connected to yourself—and the divine feminine.

"Our emotions are valid messengers telling us how and why we are reacting to the events around us and within us," says Jillian Amodio, a social worker, registered yoga and meditation teacher and author of Powerfully Prepared: An Informative Guide to Understanding Your Body, expected to be released this fall.

Related: 25 Journal Prompts To Boost Your Mental Health

2. Sense Into Your Heart

The concept of divine feminine may seem complicated. But a simple breathing exercise can help you look inward and manifest your findings in how you connect with yourself and others.

"Close your eyes and place a hand over your chest," says Dr. Kristina Tickler Welsome, DPT, the CEO of The Key to Wellness and author of LOVE(d): The Key To Unlocking Your True Potential & Living An Authentic Life You Love. "Breathe slowly and deeply as you connect to yourself through your heart and how you feel. See yourself and others with kindness, compassion and forgiveness to create more authentic and positive connections."

3. Create

Nurture your creative side.

"Creative energy is healing and invigorating," Amodio says. "Make art, make music, visit museums, bake, cook and write."

Don't worry if you can't carry a tune or your painting will never hang at the MET.

"You don’t have to be good at it," says Gaia Chinniah, a spiritual coach, psychic medium, healer and creator of the spiritual guidance app The Beacon by Soul 33.

4. Connect With the Earth

The spiritual and wellness spaces are full of purportedly life-changing products (crystals, anyone?). But the simple act of stepping outside of your door for fresh air can be incredibly nourishing to the body, mind and soul.

"Breathe in the nurturing energy that mother nature provides," Amodio says. "Walk barefoot in the grass, feel the sun on your skin and be mindfully present about the sights and sounds around you."

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5. Be Embodied With Your Body

Life can feel like it's go-go-go, and our to-do lists can seem endless. But connecting to the divine feminine isn't another item to check off.

"The feminine is about experiencing pleasure, receiving, taking time to be in the moment and forming deep intimate connections," Welsome says. "Slow down and become more aware of the easy, sensual, flowing movement of your body. Allow for the divine feminine sway of your hips. Simply be instead of do."

6. Let Your Garden Grow

Caring for another living thing can feel nurturing—for you and whoever (or whatever) you are caring for. Consider this your excuse to start that victory or windowsill garden you've meant to get going for years.

"Connect with the richness of the soil and the energy of new life by planting seeds, flowers and vegetables," Amodio says. "Bring the healing properties of plant life indoors as well and create a succulent wall, or hang plants in different rooms of your home."

Related: 75 Succulents That Are Really Hard To Kill

7. Be Kind

Again, connecting to the divine feminine doesn't need to—and frankly, shouldn't—feel overly complicated. Small acts can make a significant difference for you and the recipient of your kindness.

"Performing acts of kindness can draw upon the nurturing nature of the divine feminine," Amodio says.

8. Be Fully Present In Your Relationship

It's easy to get distracted today, to immerse yourself in whatever is on your phone when your partner is across the table. Put it down, engage in conversation and really listen.

"Live fully in the present moment," says Welsome. "Bring ease, calm, peace [and] emotional reflection to your communications. Learn to let yourself receive as easily as you give."

9. Explore Sensuality

If your love language is "touch," engage in self-care that prioritizes it. Amodio suggests trying a massage or warm bath.

10. Try Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are a way to tap into your spiritual side, seek guidance and nurture opportunities for self-improvement.

"Even just a single card pull can help tune your intuition," Amodio says.

Related: 20 Best Tarot Card Decks For Beginners

11. Dance and Move

The divine feminine often calls for rest and reflection. But movement can also be useful.

"Any sort of movement, whether it be yoga, dance, HIIT or pilates, can get your divine energy flowing," Amodio says.

12. Believe in the Abundance of Resources

Life can be exhausting. It's natural—and understandable—if you feel tapped out. But there's more in you.

"Celebrate all that you have been given and trust in your ability to create more," says Welsome.

But that doesn't mean you always have to take on the role of "giver." Sometimes, giving yourself grace can refill your cup and connect you to the divine feminine.

"Choose to receive appreciation, gratitude and gifts," Welsome says.

13. Recite Mantras

Make the narrative in your head a positive one by reciting mantras.

"Connect with your inner voice and your spiritual needs through mantras and self-love statements," says Ambodio.

"Just breathe," "I'm doing my best" and "One day at a time" are all examples of positive mantras. Find one that works for you.

14. Ditch Imposter Syndrome

You may feel you don't deserve a certain role or need to be more as a partner or parent. Put imposter syndrome to bed—it'll help you lift yourself up while nurturing others' passions.

"Whatever your purpose, passion, job or life role, unleash your innate creativity to nurture and support your partners, family and community," says Welsome. "Allow yourself to shine radiantly as you lift others up to co-create with you."

15. Find Balance

If you're running on empty, your energy may be off. Do you need to pull back on something? Pare down your schedule, so you have one day off per weekend? Reflect and recalibrate.

"[Balance] might mean doing the opposite of what you have been doing in some areas of your life," says Chinniah."

16. Be True To Yourself

The pressure to fit into a box is real. But, as even goddesses prove, there's no cookie-cutter approach to life or embracing the divine feminine.

"Speak your truth," says Chinniah. "Get used to expressing yourself and saying what you mean...be brave in who you really are without concern about what others think."

17. Learn More About the Divine Feminine

Educating yourself on the roots of the divine feminine can help you feel more in tune with the concept internally.

Dr. Hale recommends theoi.com, which has a wealth of information on Greek female deities. She also says that information from a recent British Library exhibition, the Feminine Power From the Divine to the Demonic, also has valuable insights.

Next, 101 'I Am' Affirmations to Remind You Of How Amazing You Are