Tinder Offers Scholarship and Internship to Student Kicked Out of Sorority for Using the App


(Facebook/Shannon Workman)

Like many college students, Shannon Workman has a Tinder account. But unfortunately for her, being on the popular dating app got her ex-communicated from her sorority because it broke the “human dignity” rule.

The junior at the University of Nebraska came under fire after she was spotted wearing a Chi Omega T-shirt in her profile picture. “[The Chi Omega official] said pictures that are promiscuous or risqué in nature require a personnel meeting,” Workman told ABC. “I was so humiliated.”

But also smart. Called into a disciplinary meeting, Workman secretly recorded the proceedings and captured sorority officials calling her “disrespectful” and requesting a “membership revocation.” The 20-year-old then refused to partake in any further disciplinary actions, telling the board, “I’m never coming back.”


The picture that forced Chi Omega to take disciplinary action against Workman. (Facebook/Shannon Workman)

And Tinder took note. Upon hearing about the incident, the company reached out to offer Workman a full year’s scholarship to cover her last year of school. “We think what Shannon did sends a very empowering message to young women and college students, which is actually one of Tinder’s largest audiences,” Tinder co-founder and CEO Sean Rad told BuzzFeed. “Don’t conform, don’t let people tell you your beliefs are wrong just because it’s not the same as their beliefs.”

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In addition, they offered Workman a paid internship with the company. “It’s the first time we reached out to someone whose story inspired us and asked them to be part of the team,” Rad said. “Her actions showed a depth of leadership and courage that is admirable and something we value as part of our company culture. We always want to stand up for our users who stand up for us.”

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While Workman hasn’t made any firm decisions on whether or not she plans to take the internship, she’s thrilled that the company reached out after hearing about what happened to her. “I think it’s absolutely amazing,” she told BuzzFeed. “I do stand up for Tinder because I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Some people use it for hookups but I don’t, and a lot of great things happen through Tinder.”