Today Is the Day Most People Quit Their New Year's Resolutions — Here's How to Stay on Track

Remember just a few weeks ago when you made that New Year’s resolution to spend more time traveling, working out, eating healthy, or getting organized? How’s that going for you?

Odds are you may have slipped away from accomplishing these goals. And really, you’re not alone as the second week of February is well-known for being the “resolution drop off” point where 80 percent of resolutions fail. But, if you’re committed to making change this year there are a few tricks you can use to help you succeed.

First, it’s key to remember that it typically takes people 66 days to form a new habit. Be it keeping a to-do list to stay organized, working on a new fitness routine, or eating more fruits and vegetables, it’s key to give it a go for at least two full months. So really, a lot of this does come down to willpower. But, keep reading to learn a few easy tricks to staying on track with three of the most common New Year’s resolutions — even if you’re busy traveling the globe (#NoExcuses). If you can keep it up until March 7, you should be in the clear.

Be Healthier

Your will to work out and eat right doesn't have to take a vacation when you do. There are plenty of ways to stay healthy while traveling around the world.

“I always pack fruit in my carry-on bag for snacking so I'm not skipping meals, and if there's a layover I look for a restaurant where I can grab a healthy meal with fresh vegetables and lean protein,” Gina Homolka, founder of and author of The Skinnytaste Cookbook, told Travel + Leisure.

Homolka wasn’t the only expert to give us her advice for staying healthy no matter where you are.

“Bring a miniband—I like Perform Better or Hip Circle—and even if you don't have access to a gym, do some band exercises in your hotel room,” Sohee Lee, C.S.C.S., founder of SoheeFit said. “All you need is 5-10 minutes a day. I like seated band hip abductions, lateral walks, and monster walks. Do 2-3 sets of 10-30 reps each to keep the glutes activated.”

Or try downloading a new fitness app that you can use anywhere you are. New "social fitness" app SweatWorking, from Jeana Anderson Cohen, CEO and founder of aSweatLife, motivates its users to take on fitness challenges by letting them complete custom workouts from top trainers remotely (through audio, video, and image-based classes) and encouraging friends to hold each other accountable, wherever they are.

Get Organized

This is perhaps the easiest goal to achieve while traveling in 2018. Getting and staying organized for travel can actually be really fun, and mostly includes purchasing a nifty product or two.

Perhaps the easiest way to get organized is simply by buying packing cubes. This genius invention allows travelers to compartmentalize their belongings so they stack easily and efficiently in a suitcase. Then, upon arrival, they can unpack just as quickly.

And if you’re really looking to up your game, invest in a suitcase that transforms into a dresser. Seriously.

The carry-on bag by Züca is tailor-made for those looking to stay organized on short trips that only require a small bag. But, once they arrive, users can unzip the bag and open the compartments like drawers to keep all of their items exactly where they belong.

Of course these aren’t the only gizmos and gadgets that will help you stay extremely organized. Check out T+L's complete list of travel and organizational accessories here.

Travel More

OK, so you’re on track to stay healthy and you’ve become super organized, now there’s just one more resolution to tackle: actually traveling more.

This one is the hardest of the three to accomplish as it takes the most work from you. To start, you need to be taking more vacation days. And if you’re American, you likely have plenty of unused time off just sitting around waiting for you. In fact, according to a 2017 survey conducted by Allianz Travel Insurance, 170 million Americans reported going a full year without taking a single day of vacation. You earned them, so use them.

The best way to do so is to map out a year-long plan. Decide whether you want to do a bunch of mini, long-weekend vacations for three to four days at a time, or if you want to splurge on one grand adventure across the globe.

Next, make sure to plan a budget for said trips. Saving up doesn’t have to be hard, just follow our advice here. Finally, just get up and go. Go solo, as a group, as a family, whatever. Just go.

If you need a little more inspiration on where to go in 2018, here’s a list of 50 amazing choices. No matter what you resolve to do this year, just commit. You can thank us for it on Dec. 31.