I Tried the Weighted Blanket Celebs Are Obsessed With and Now I Can't Sleep Without It

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Woman's Day

It's hard to scroll Instagram or your Facebook feed these days without coming across a story - or celeb - raving about weighted blankets. The specialty bedding is designed to weigh roughly 10% of your body weight (yes, there are heavier and lighter options), and mimic the feeling of being hugged.

The idea is that they're supposed to increase your levels of serotonin and melatonin, helping you sleep like a baby. But probably the most promising of benefits is that weighted blankets are said to relieve stress, anxiety, and even insomnia. They sounded too good be true, so I had to try one out. It was that fateful decision that got me addicted to BlanQuil.

What's a BlanQuil? It's a weighted blanket, but it's not just any weighted blanket. It's the one that your favorite celebs and influencers have been schilling all over Instagram. You've seen Eric Decker, Kourtney Kardashian, and pretty much everyone from The Bachelor post about it. Obviously they're being paid to promote the blanket, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't get your attention.

“ I love my #BlanQuil “ @kourtneykardash 💛 use code: KK20 for 20%

A post shared by BlanQuil Blanket (@myblanquil) on Jul 19, 2018 at 3:31pm PDT

I've tried so many products to help deal with my anxiety, from a salt lamp to a necklace that helps you control your breathing, and even a shower jelly that's supposed to make you sleep better. Needless to say, I'm exactly the kind of person those Instagram ads are meant to target. So I took one for the team and tried it out. And guess what? I'm really happy with it.

I got the 15-pound BlanQuil in grey. I unboxed it, threw heaved it onto my bed, and got under the covers. That first night felt a little weird. I remember thinking something like, "Oh sh*t, I'm locked in." (BTW, I'm slightly claustrophobic, and the heft of the blanket didn't bother me.) I definitely felt the difference of the extra weight on top of me, especially on my legs. But after that first night, I stopped noticing it. Now the blanket feels normal, and moving it off of me so I'm just under my comforter feels weird. I haven't taken it off my bed since I got it.

“Its Hugging You” @edeck87 #BlanQuil is here for the #NFL.

A post shared by BlanQuil Blanket (@myblanquil) on May 12, 2018 at 10:41am PDT

As far as relieving my anxiety goes, it's hard to say whether the blanket is really doing anything. Anxiety is a huge b*tch, and it won't stop for a lamp, a necklace, a body wash, or a blanket. However, my BlanQuil is definitely helping me sleep. Is it increasing my serotonin levels? Again, I have no idea. But it is keeping my body still throughout the night. When the weighted blanket is on me, I don't toss and turn and inevitably wake myself up a million times over. When it's off, I do.

Would I recommend it? Definitely. But I don't think it's for everyone. If you're considering buying one for yourself, here are a few things I think you should know:

It's not made for sharing.

The BlanQuil measures 48" x 74" and doesn't fit two people under it comfortably. This is good news if you want to sleep under it and your partner doesn't, but bad news if you both want to. You might want to spring for two, or scour the Internet for a bigger one, though I've found that most weighted blankets are about the same size.

It's super hot.

If you are someone who sleeps with a fan in their face and loves to be cold, weighted blankets probably aren't for you. My body runs freezing cold at all times, and I wake up sweating most mornings under this thing, even with the A/C blasting all night. Side note: I think it's going to be amazing in the winter.

It's legit heavy.

I know 15 pounds probably doesn't sound like a lot, but I actually struggle to lift this thing every time I try to move it. Whether I'm throwing part of it off me, or moving the entire thing to make my bed, it's always a struggle. I wouldn't let this deter you though, because overall, it's worth it. Plus, you can consider it a workout for the day.

It's worth the money.

The $169 price tag definitely sounds high for a blanket, especially one that barely fits over two people. But if you use it every day, then it turns out to be a worthy investment. You might end up saving money in the long run; better sleep = less coffee, right?

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