These Two Characters May Wed in the Downton Abbey Movie

The hotly anticipated Downton Abbey movie debuts on Friday, September 20th. We're more than a little excited to see what romance, betrayal, and plot twists ensue.

'Til then, we'll be eager for as many sneak peeks of the movie as possible. One of the most exciting pieces of information we learned about the upcoming film? Wedded bliss may be in the future for Daisy, the assistant cook, and footman Andy.

In October of 2018, Bustle visited the Downton Abbey movie set in England and the outlet has now shared what some of the actors revealed about what's in store for their characters in the film. "The film starts a year and a half after the series finished, and she’s sort of engaged to Andy. And so we’re going to see how that relationship is panning out, 'cause at the end of series they just revealed to each other that they liked each other..." said Sophie McShera who plays Daisy on the show. "That storyline with those two is interesting 'cause its not that straightforward or simple. It's nice to see that develop and it's not necessarily what you'd expect."

Actor Michael Fox echoed McShera's sentiments, along with adding a bit of mystery to the two's fate as a couple, "[Andy's] the first footman now since Molesley's left. And so he just has a bigger responsibility. When we join Daisy and Andy there's potential wedding bells for them...[Daisy and Andy] haven't gotten married yet. It's actually not that clear, but you feel like that's the next step for them is the wedding ...You don't see it. You certainly see a future for them."

Well, we guess we'll have to wait until September 20th to find out what happens to this couple's blossoming love affair. What will pan out in the Crawley household?

WATCH: The Downton Abbey Exhibition Is Coming to the Biltmore Estate

Based on all the complex storylines this upcoming film will have to weave together, we're already planning on seeing it twice to absorb all the drama.