Two Utah teens manage to steal, fly and land a plane on Thanksgiving

Two teens in Utah were arrested for stealing a plane. (Photo: Facebook/Uintah County Sheriff’s Office).
Two teens in Utah were arrested for stealing a plane. (Photo: Facebook/Uintah County Sheriff’s Office).

While the rest of us were eating turkey, two Utah teenagers were cruising the open skies. According to a press release from the Uintah Sheriff’s Office on Thursday, two boys, ages 14 and 15, were arrested near the Vernal Regional Airport after landing a small plane they had stolen from a private airstrip in Jensen, Utah.

The Vernal Regional Airport is located 170 miles southeast of Salt Lake City.

“This morning the teens gained access to a tractor and drove it to the air strip in Jensen, where they stole a fixed-wing, single-engine light sport aircraft,” the post reads. “The plane was witnessed flying very low along US-40 near Gusher, Uintah County, about 32 miles west of Jensen.”

The press release continues: “Based on information obtained by investigators, the teens mentioned flying back towards the Wasatch Front, but decided not to and returned to Vernal where they landed at the airport.”

Police believe the two boys left their group home on the Wasatch Front earlier this week before traveling to eastern Utah, where they stayed with friends in the Jensen area. On Thursday morning, the duo managed to commandeer a tractor on which they traveled to the air strip in Jensen. It was there that they stole a fixed-wing, single-engine light sport aircraft.

Authorities realized something was amiss when the plane was spotted flying low along US-40 near Gusher, which is located 32 miles west of Jensen. The Sheriff’s Office said both boys, whose names are not revealed due to their age, are being held in the Split Mountain Youth Detention Center on multiple charges, and that the investigation is ongoing.

Although it’s unclear what type of punishment the boys will face, in the eyes of many on the internet, they are being seen as heroes. “Um….that’s kind of badass,” wrote one Twitter user. “Legends!” said another.

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