Unlocking the Spiritual Meaning of Dragonflies—What It Means if You Keep Seeing These Intricate Flying Insects

If you've ever had a dragonfly land on you, someone may have told you that it's a signal of good luck. It's true. Dragonflies are highly spiritually-symbolic critters that are believed—across different cultures—to uphold various meanings, including being a symbol of luck. Whether dragonflies keep appearing in your dreams or they're always around you while outdoors, there's a reason for it. Their consistent presence in your life may have you questioning: what is a dragonfly's spiritual meaning?

The symbolism of dragonflies varies across cultures, but they all remain positive symbols—even if their meanings differ. The beautiful insects with their iridescent wings truly evoke a sense of mysticism, wonder and ethereal magic. It's no wonder that they've so long been associated with the metaphysical realms.

Beauty aside, dragonflies are enchanting as can be and they uphold a profound significance. Though they are small, they emerge as messengers of rebirth and renewal—bridging the gap between earthly and spiritual realms. If you've been spotting lots of dragonflies lately, it's definitely a good thing.

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Dragonfly's Spiritual Meanings

New beginnings

Dragonflies have long been associated with new beginnings (think rebirth and transformation). During their life span, dragonflies grow in the water before taking to air and flying. Dragonflies undergo a metamorphosis and transformation within themselves. From being unseen to spreading their wings above ground and showcasing their beauty, dragonflies symbolize new beginnings on the horizon. This goes hand in hand with the belief in Chinese culture that dragonflies symbolize prosperity.


Dragonflies only fly around in their crazy manner for a short period of their lives. But they certainly make their presence known with the way they joyfully dart and seemingly dance around. Dragonflies symbolize joy and happiness—especially in Native American culture. They serve as a testament to the importance of living in the moment and enjoying each day as it comes.

Self-realization and intuition

It's easy to get disconnected from ourselves. When we have troubles or bumps in our lives, our first instinct is to Google how to solve it or ask someone else for advice. The truth is, we know ourselves best and all answers lie within us. In Native American tradition, spotting a dragonfly also symbolizes self-realization. Consider seeing one as an invitation to reconnect with yourself and your intuition.

Power and poise

No doubt, dragonflies are on the tinier side in scale. However, their impact is huge and they are known for their bold power and poise. Dragonflies are quite adaptable critters, known for being able to handle changing environments. They're also quick, agile fliers. In Japan, dragonflies are known as the "victory insect" for their hunting prowess and resilience to never retreat.

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What It Means if You Keep Seeing Dragonflies

Change is on the horizon

One of the dragonfly's biggest underlying themes is transformation—so, if you keep seeing dragonflies, buckle up! Change is coming, and it's time to adapt to it. Sure, change can be scary, but what if these changes and new beginnings are everything you've been waiting for? Transformation is beautiful—even if it is a little scary at first.

It's time to release past worries

Joy and lightness are two words that come to mind when thought of dragonflies. The way that they playfully and effortlessly fly around makes it seem like they are free of all worries. And why wouldn't they be? It may be impossible to live a fully stress-free human life, but seeing dragonflies serves as a reminder to release past worries and stressors.

Spirit guides or ancestors are offering guidance

Dragonflies have often been considered messengers from the spiritual, non-physical realms. If you've been seeing a lot of dragonflies lately, it could be your spirit guides or ancestors offering you guidance or protection.

You're being reminded to enjoy the present moment

With their short life span and need-for-speed, seeing dragonflies is a reminder to enjoy the present moment. So often, we are worried about the next task on our to-do list or how we need to serve others around us. It takes away from enjoying the current moment we're experiencing. Let the dragonfly's presence remind you to stay fully present and engage with who you're with and what you're doing right now.

They're checking the purity of your soul

In Swedish culture, dragonflies are believed to check and measure the purity of your soul.

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What It Means if Dragonflies Are in Your Dreams

Similar to what the dragonfly symbolizes in the physical realms, seeing dragonflies in your dreams can be a very positive thing. Having a dragonfly present in your dreams could mean that a big change or transformation is on the way. Perhaps you've been waiting on an exciting promotion or are open to a new romantic relationship. Or maybe there are more internal goals you want to focus on—like gaining more self-confidence or building a gauntlet of positive habits.

Either way, change is coming—and seeing dragonflies in your dreams could be a sign that you need to prepare yourself for it! Seeing dragonflies excitedly dart around in your dreams is an invitation to release the negativity that's weighing you down and open yourself to the good fortune coming your way.

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What To Do if You Keep Seeing Dragonflies

If you keep seeing dragonflies, it may be an invitation to take action in your life. Dragonflies have numerous symbolic interpretations and spotting them often could translate to different definitions, depending on what you're experiencing in your life. However, the underlying themes of spotting dragonflies remain greatly similar: transformation, self-realization, power and joy.

Open yourself to the possibilities of abundance and prosperity. Bring forward the joy from the dragonflies that you keep seeing and believe that great things are possible in your life. Uphold yourself with the power and resilience that dragonflies do, in all scenarios.

With their short flying life, dragonflies remind us to enjoy and live in the present moment. Life is too short to close yourself off from true happiness and joy.

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