Valentino Is Offering You Signed Fashion Merch for $100

Maison Valentino is teaming with Christy Turlington Burns’s organization, Every Mother Counts.

‘Tis the season to shop your heart out, right? So why not shop with a little bit of purpose? Especially if said shopping involves a brand like, say, Valen-freaking-tino.

Just in time for your gifting needs, Maison Valentino is teaming with Christy Turlington Burns’s organization, Every Mother Counts, a non-profit dedicated to making pregnancy safe for women everywhere.

“Ever since meeting Christy I have known how close she holds her charity to her heart,” Valentino’s Creative Director Pierpaolo Piccioli tells InStyle. “I am happy to be able to collaborate with her to benefit mothers around the world. It is important to remember those less fortunate during the holiday giving season and I am honored to help support such a wonderful cause.”

The t-shirts will be sold both in-store (beginning November 30th) and online at (beginning December 1st) and 100% of the net proceeds will be donated to Every Mother Counts.

But wait. There’s more.

If you’re in New York City on November 30th when the shirts go on sale and can find the time, stop by the Fifth Avenue boutique where Christy (yeah, we’re on a first name basis) and Pierpaolo will be signing the limited edition shirts. A signed. Logo. Tee-shirt. You heard it here first.