Vaping Vitamins Is the Latest Wellness Trend, and We Have So Many Questions

Chances are you’re already pretty familiar with vaping, i.e., smoking nicotine-infused e-cigarettes that come in a variety of flavors (Mint! Mango! Peanut butter!). While vaping is technically better for you than regular smoking, scientists agree that it’s still bad for your health and highly addictive.

But now, wellness companies are seeking to get in on the trend with a slew of new products that work in the same way—but with a supposedly good-for-you twist. Introducing vitamin vapes—e-cigarettes that mist vitamins like B12 and D instead of nicotine.

VitaminVape, VitaStik and breathe are just a few of the companies that have launched vitamin vapes recently, claiming to be better than the usual pills and shots. But do they actually work?

Dr. Albert A. Rizzo, a senior advisor to the American Lung Association spoke with Elle about the trend, and it’s not exactly a resounding endorsement. “The concern with anything that we vape, whether there's nicotine or not, is that we really don't know a whole lot about what happens when chemicals are heating up and inhaled through the device into the lungs. We can't say that there aren't other particles and chemicals that are getting inhaled, and there's no answer at this point in time.”

While Dr. Rizzo didn’t completely discount inhaling vitamins, other experts say you should give it a miss. One thing that's crystal clear is that more research is needed. Until then, we think that we’ll stick to our usual one-a-days, thanks.

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