Venus in Scorpio 2024 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

How Venus in Scorpio Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign (& Make You Love-Obsessed)
How Venus in Scorpio Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign (& Make You Love-Obsessed)

Head’s up! The planet of love is moving into the dark and complex sign of Scorpio—just in time for cuffing season. This is the best time to lock in someone’s heart, considering Scorpio’s mysteriously charming ways. Read on to find out how Venus in Scorpio 2024 will affect your zodiac sign.

Venus symbolizes love, beauty, and money. So, wherever Venus travels in the sky gives us an indication of what’s coming for our relationships, wallet, and appearances. Venus has been moving through Libra, the sign of partnership, equality, and justice, for the past few weeks. But on September 22 at 10:36 p.m. ET, it’s going to make a sharp left turn into the intense and suspicious neighborhood of Scorpio—which will likely challenge the foundations we built over the previous few weeks.

Scorpio is seductive, alluring, and similar to a scary movie, it’s a dark and entertaining thrill. This sign is all about mystery and revealing just enough to get the imagination going. (That’s how this sign hooks you in.) Scorpio loves keeping things to themselves; the mystery of the truth and the secret behind the truth is too good to pass up—and this can really imbue Venus in Scorpio with a teasing, sex appeal. Think: burlesque, masquerades, lingerie, or role play.

But because Scorpio tends to hide just a little bit from everyone else, this sign believes there’s always more waiting to be unearthed—a secret waiting to be revealed. So, this season can also be colored with suspicion, jealousy, or possessiveness in your relationships or in relation to your money.

Venus will be in Scorpio from September 22 to October 17.

Just two days after the new moon and solar eclipse, on October 4, Venus will make a trine to stabilizing Saturn, which can help stabilize any drama that bubbled up during eclipse season. Use this time to have thoughtful conversations or store your money in a secure place.

On October 8, Venus will then make an energizing trine to Mars, the planet of action. This is a perfect time to take a chance on love. If you’re not partnered up yet, you might as well take the leap today—ask someone out!

How Venus in Scorpio will affect each zodiac sign

Here’s how Venus in Scorpio will affect your money and love lives, according to your zodiac sign. Make sure you read for both your sun sign and rising sign for the full effect.



As Venus moves through your house of taboo frills and mind games, your love life and money life are about to get more alluring. Consider bringing games into the bedroom over these few weeks, pumping up the sex appeal and teasing. Since this is also the house that rules other people’s money, it’s possible that you may be able to lock in a contract with someone else (think: a home lease). Read your full September monthly horoscope.



Venus is moving through your house of connection, marriage, and relationships. Since it’s the money and love planet, this is one of the best places for it to be right now—as it boosts your deeper connections with partners (romantic and business). Relationships can deepen and become more intertwined. And if you’re hoping to lock someone in (for example, get engaged or secure a contract), Venus in Scorpio will certainly help you. Read your full September monthly horoscope.



As a Gemini, when a topic really fascinates you, you gladly fall down that internet rabbit hole for a few weeks. Thanks to Venus in Scorpio moving through your house of daily routine, it’s likely that you’ll become transfixed by a new health or daily routine. Perhaps that just applies to work these days—as an interesting project gets assigned to you. Scorpio loves to bewitch us with things. So, get lost in your project or new routine. Now is the time! Read your full September monthly horoscope.



Scorpio tends to put a spell on us, and when it’s associated with the planet of love and money, we can easily fall into the arms of another (even if that person isn’t good for us). Beware of this with both dating and friendships, as Venus moves through your house of intimate connections. You want to love and to trust, but this is a time period where you’re more likely to see what you want to believe. Read your full September monthly horoscope.



As Venus moves through your house of family and domesticity, it’s possible that some discussions around home and safety will come up. Scorpio assumes the world is out to get them. So, maybe you decide it’s time to get a Ring camera for your door or finally invest in renter’s insurance. Whatever you can do to protect your money, home, and safety is what you’ll do right now. As it relates to family, Venus in Scorpio may bring up some lingering power struggles between you and other family members. Read your full September monthly horoscope.



Moving through your communication house, Venus in Scorpio adds more of a threatening tone to your words. Of course, if you need a little oomph to get you out of that toxic relationship, this transit will certainly help. But if you’re just starting to date someone, it might not be the best time to talk about demand labels. Instead, put your efforts into negotiating money issues. Scorpio is fierce and you’ll be able to get the deal that you want because of it. Read your full September monthly horoscope.



Venus is moving through your house of values, self-worth, and earned income. As it relates to money, this is a really great time for you! Surprise money opportunities are likely to pop up out of nowhere—potentially from fine print in contracts, like refunds (thanks to Scorpio). In terms of love, this is a moment where you’re bound to feel confident, beautiful, but also reserved in love. Scorpio doesn’t put all its eggs in one basket. You’re likely to work your appearance so that you have many options… all the time. Read your full September monthly horoscope.



Ah, Venus is moving through your house, Scorpio! You know what that means? You’re living the dream right now: feeling fine and cashing checks. When Venus moves through the first house, it can feel like abundance just flows to you—the world is working for you! If you’re single, you’ll be receiving plenty of attention. If you’re committed, this is the best time to share things that are important to you, as those conversations will likely turn in your favor. Finally, since this is the appearance house, consider changing up your look. Read your full September monthly horoscope.



As you prepare for Venus to move into your sign, these few weeks will be about uncovering lost values. Venus represents worth—including what we find most worthwhile to us. What are some values you have around freedom, independence, and privacy that may have been compromised recently? You may also want to keep your relationships on the down-low right now so as to reevaluate which ones mean the most to you before announcing them to others during the holiday season. Read your full September monthly horoscope.



As Venus moves through your networking house, you will be graced with connections from all over that can help you in various ways. And if we’re adding Scorpio into the mix, this would likely be around secrets, contracts, and money exchanges. So, think: gossip, wire transfers, and business partnerships. This house also rules the internet—which can indicate that a lot of these networking opportunities can occur online. For that reason, in terms of love, you might want to give online dating apps a chance.  Read your full September monthly horoscope.



Venus is traveling in your career house, Aquarius. This gives you a shrewd outlook on what you’re doing and who you’re committing to in the business world. You may, for example, realize that you don’t enjoy what you’re doing at work and decide to leave. As it relates to money, you might decide that it’s time for a raise. Because Scorpio is so direct—and also powerful—anything you ask for at work right now is likely to follow through. Read your full September monthly horoscope.



Happening in your house of long-distance travel, Venus in Scorpio might spark your intrigue in a love connection far away. You’re pretty good at fantasizing. While this person may be out of reach, that doesn’t have to stop you from fantasizing about the possibilities. Venus loves to have a good time. Scorpio is all about the occult and the dark, spooky stuff. So, as it travels through your house of higher learning, this is a great time to sign up for a class along those lines for certification. Read your full September monthly horoscope.

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