Video Explains What Exactly To Do If a Dog Ever Eats a Grape

This is important to know.

No matter how much your dog gives you the puppy dog eyes and begs for food, you can’t always say yes. There are some foods that are absolute no no’s. That includes chocolate, avocados, onions, and grapes, among others.

Dogs should never ingest these foods, but of course, sometimes it happens, and they sneak it off your plate. You might try and take it out of their mouth. If they do accidentally swallow it, TikTok user @petlabco, a pet advice account, offers some advice, especially when it comes to a dog eating a grape.

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Wow! This is such an important video for every dog owner to know. Even eating one grape can be bad for dogs. Definitely contact your vet immediately if this ever happens to you. As the video said, it is the best way to avoid possible long-term health damage.

Several TikTokers are commenting that their dogs have ingested grapes before and although they said nothing happened, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Dogs eating grapes can lead to kidney failure and that’s the last thing any dog owner wants. “Y’all in the comments saying your dogs love grapes. They might like them, but they are still toxic,” said @king_leo_2214. Exactly! Let’s be the best owners and stop feeding them grapes to keep them as healthy as possible!

“Saw this after my dog ate a single grape. I’m scared,” wrote @homoflexibleswitc. We know, we know. It’s a scary thought to think something they ate could be dangerous. But now we all know how to deal with this situation. It’s especially important to call even if your dog doesn’t show any symptoms.

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