This Video of Lady Gaga Finding Her Angle in Under 3 Seconds Is the Only Thing That Matters

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Look, I don't mean to be dramatic and extra, but last night Lady Gaga hit up the red carpet for the Hollywood premiere of A Star Is Born, and and a star. Was. BORN.

Gaga, in a moment that proves just how much of a living legend she is, was filmed giving someone a quick kiss, and was then seen IMMEDIATELY striking a pose and finding her angle for photographers.

I've personally watched this video about thirty times this morning, so have fun wasting the rest of your day with me! And when I say "wasting" I obviously mean enriching.

Naturally, the reaction to this video has been extreme, so let's go through some tweets that everyone will find deeply relatable:

Fact: A Star Is Born is already the best movie I've ever seen and I haven't even technically watched it yet.

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