Watch Arnold Show Off His 'Conan the Barbarian' Workout in a New Gym Video

Photo credit: Arnold Schwarzenegger/Instagram
Photo credit: Arnold Schwarzenegger/Instagram

Arnold Schwarzenegger's career may have spanned bodybuilding, movies and politics over the decades, but he will always be synonymous with a small handful of iconic characters. And aside from his turn as a stoic cyborg in the Terminator franchise, he is most famous for one of his earliest screen roles: the titular warrior from Conan the Barbarian.

In a new video on his Instagram, Schwarzenegger demonstrates his Barbarian-inspired workout, and proves to any doubters that he has still got it by skilfully recreating some of the sword choreography from the original movie. The whole thing is a tongue-in-cheek way of promoting a limited edition new "Bar-barian" T-shirt he is selling online, which combines Schwarzenegger's beloved character with one of his other great passions in life: lifting weights. (The weights on Conan's barbell, in this case, are the skulls of his enemies.)

This isn't the first time Schwarzenegger has revisited Conan. While he has not played him since the early '80s, he has frequently expressed his enthusiasm in the idea of reprising the role in a sequel, and has even pitched a King Conan movie to director John Milius, which would catch up with Conan as a ruler in his seventies. Unfortunately, issues regarding rights to the character have prevented Schwarzenegger from getting involved in the franchise again, and the character was rebooted in 2011 with Jason Momoa in the starring role.

It was announced last year that the property would be once again revived in a live-action Netflix original series, although details are thin on the ground. While it is expected that a new actor will play Conan, a Schwarzenegger cameo doesn't feel like too much to ask for.

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