Watch Disneyland Transform for the Holidays by Night in This Incredible Video

Disneyland gives us a rare glimpse into the park's secret holiday transformation.

Disney is known for its ability to keep the magic of the parks alive at all times, working hard to maintain a polished facade for guests everywhere. Therefore, massive holiday season transformations often happen in secret, under cover of night when park-goers aren’t around to see how the changes occur.

This year, however, Disneyland has given fans a glimpse into that transformative process, sharing a mesmerizing time lapse video that shows the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle being lavishly decorated for the holidays.

The video, which was posted on the Oh My Disney Facebook page, shows a team of experts replacing the castle’s normal outer decor with countless twinkling lights and glittering icicles. The video reveals that the transformation actually requires a great deal of construction, with cranes hoisting replacement turrets that are covered in glowing lights and snow. Workers change out the tops of the castle’s towers to give the entire structure an over-the-top holiday makeover.

All work is done before the sun rises, and the results are nothing short of magical.

The castle overhaul, though, is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Disney holidays. Parks across the country and the world are kicking holiday decor into high gear, decking each and every corner of the resorts with jolly cheer. Countless events, shows, and tours will also fill the holiday season, some giving guests an even more in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at Disney’s elaborate holiday metamorphosis.

Watch the full transformation of the castle for yourself, then beg Santa for a few tickets to Disneyland this year.