Watch: Ice cube treats are keeping furry friends cool

(COLORADO SPRINGS) — Hot summer days can be just as uncomfortable for pets as for humans. But The Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region (HSPPR) has come up with a way to keep furry (and feathered) friends cool.

Ice cubes can be used as treats, toys, or both.

“Here at HSPPR, we’ve been treating our animals to ice cubes, and they absolutely love it!” said a representative from the Humane Society. “From kittens batting them around to curious pets enjoying a cup, it’s a joy to watch. While they always have air-conditioned kennels to rest in, these chilly treats are a fun way to help them stay hydrated and cool during the hot days.”

The following video shows a few shelter pets at HSPPR enjoying their ice cubes.

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