Watch Kai Lenny Launch Over 40 Feet in the Air Wing Foiling (Clip)

Kai Lenny does it all. He tow surfs behind horses, saves puppies on foils, surfs gigantic waves, and shows up for his community.

Wing foiling is also on the waterman's resume, and he's a maniac with that too.

In his latest YouTube release, he pushes his limits once again, seeing how high he can go on a foil.

Lenny posted the video above yesterday, captioning it:

"Challenging the Wing Big Air Record on OZONE's “Fusion” Development Wing."

According to the Global Wingsports Association, the Big Air division is a "competition where the athletes are judged mainly on the height of their jumps... The emphasis of the new discipline is on “wow and show” factor, with athletes already showing they can jump as high as 12 metres while throwing air manoeuvres and flying as much as 50 metres downwind."

At the top of the video, Lenny says:

"Since the beginning, we've been trying to go faster and higher. When the winds are blowing with the right conditions and the right equipment, there's no reason why the record can't be broken."

Lenny puts a sensor on his board that gauges his height and speed.

"Let's see how high this wing can go," he says.

Thanks to that sensor, we know he hits 12.7 meters, or 41.6 feet high.

"I was riding a five-meter wing in 40-knot wind, it was hard to keep it on the water. It just wanted to keep flying in the air," Lenny says post-session.

Viewers always love Lenny's posts. Here's some of their comments:

"It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s Super Kai."

"really can't understand how Kai gets such crazy air with that gigantic set of balls."

"Very proud of the way you stepped up for friends, family and strangers in Maui. Fantastic young man."


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