Watch Surfer and Great White Shark Swim in Incredibly Clear SoCal Water

The beauty of sharks is something most of us never thought we'd see, say, or appreciate.

It wasn't until recently that we could infiltrate their home visually the way we do now thanks to drone technology. We couldn't peer into the depths of the ocean with clarity, so the mystique of the big fish remained, brewing in our imaginations, our perception often warped by Hollywood's personification of sharks.

But now, thanks to a boom in drone technology and what we like to call the recent "sharkaissance," we now get see them looking absolutely stunning, and usually peacefully coexisting with surfers.

In the latest post above from ocean photographer and shark advocate Scott Fairchild, epic drone footage affords a beautiful view of a great white shark and a surfer lazing about in crystal-clear water, unaware of each other's presence.

Fairchild captioned it:

"Great White chasing stingrays comes upon a surfer who was taking a midsession dip. As you can see, the conditions were incredible this weekend!"

In the clip, a surfer is off of his board taking a dip as a great white shark is taking a slow cruise right towards him.

What's really interesting, is that it looks like the shark is aware of the waves.

As a wave that's too small to break rolls through, the shark changes course, positions itself facing inside before the wave reaches it, and once it does, the shark clearly starts to swim with the wave.

The surfer made himself known in the comments section and said:

"That was yours truly. I had a feeling something gray was nearby, but was boiling in the full suit. Viz was unreal."


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